Miche 11 speed Shimano is Problems

comsense Posts: 245
edited July 2019 in Workshop
**Edit: Apologies, I've realised from another Miche thread that the metal spacer isn't nessary. Removed it and tested out on road and it's fine **

Ive had miche cassettes in the past without any issues. I have bought an 11speed shimano and no way, no how can I get it to fit any 11 speed Shimano hub I own.

The issue is that the lock ring won't engage the threads. If I leave out a spacer it fits but that is the only way I can manage.

I've looked at Miche support document and I am assembling the cassette correctly. 30 sprocket (with text facing in toward hub) thin metal spacer, then orange spacer, sprocket, orange spacer etc down to the 12 with built in spacer, then the 11 then lock ring.

I know the spacers are designed to compress under torque but no way I can get lock ring to engage.

Any ideas?