Bike Fit - Bicycle Richmond James Thomas

ashnorman Posts: 20
edited June 2019 in Road buying advice
Does anyone have any feedback from bike fits by James at Bicycle Richmond?
I had planned to visit Adrian Timmis at Cadence Sport as he is local to me but a friend has heavily recommended James at Bicycle Richmond. It seems he built a good reputation at Sigma Sport. Wondering whether the extra cost and trip down to London would be worth it. Primarily looking for a re-assessment of a TT bike fit. I previously had a Retul fit and was happy with it but think a combination of the fit and saddle are contributing to a proximal hamstring problem.


  • alex222
    alex222 Posts: 598
    Have seen him feature in some YouTube videos of a few cycling vloggers, and he does come across very well.
  • cookeeemonster
    cookeeemonster Posts: 1,991
    I have a couple of friends who have used him since his move to his own shop, plus one from when he used to work at sigma.

    All swear by him. It is an expense, but if he can fix your problem then its gonna be worth it. I'm gonna use him if my own injury/bike fit problems dont clear up

    He appears on a number of Francis Cade YouTube videos. Search for bike fit Tuesdays within that channel
  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    If Adrian is local then surely that is going to be good enough. AT is a well respected fitter - indeed I have visited him a couple of times and have another session in Aug.

    BTW - I had that very injury and visiting AT was part of the recovery - give that injury some respect I tried to push through it - and was off the bike for 3 years.

    PM if you want more info.