Mavic Reflex H Plus Son TB14 Rim swap

daithi_m Posts: 19
edited May 2019 in Workshop
Hello All

Can I do a straight swap of Mavic Reflex rims for H Plus Son TB14 on the same spokes in an existing wheelset? They appear to have almost exactly the same ERD.

I had a bike manual which showed a method for swapping rims by taping new rim to old and swapping over the spokes. Existing wheelset hasn't been heavily used but starting to see cracks around spoke holes plus novelty of going back to tubs has worn off now!


  • timothyw
    timothyw Posts: 2,482
    There seems an element of disagreement about the ERD of the mavic reflex, but yeah, seems more than likely you can do that.

    You will still need some means of truing the resultant wheel and checking the dish.
  • mercia_man
    mercia_man Posts: 1,431
    Don’t know about the ERD of each rim but as long as they are almost exactly the same you should be able to switch over fine. I’ve done both wheels on my tourer, switching different make but similar dimension rims. I’ve also replaced the rims several times on my wife’s bike.

    There’s plenty of advice on web on how to tape rims together and move your spokes from old to new rims. I’ve always used the bike frame and forks as a jig to true the rebuilt wheels for roundness, side to side variation and dishing. I find that a blob of Blu Tack on the stays and forks into which I have pressed a large flat head roofing nail virtually touching the rim and then spinning the wheel works well for getting the rim true. Spoke tension I do by ear and feel and comparing with an existing well built wheel. Take your time and only do small turns of the spoke key. Don’t forget to stress and re-tension once wheel is built.

    Of course, it would be best to fork out for a wheel building jig and dishing tool. But my DIY system has worked fine for me. My tourer laden with camping gear has crossed France and gone over the Pyrenees with my re-rimmed wheels without any spokes pinging or any need to re-true.
  • daithi_m
    daithi_m Posts: 19
    Belated thanks for the replies, I may get round to it one day but . . .