Bottom Bracket Query
I have obtained recently I type of sealed bottom bracket I have never seen before. It's got a lock ring on each side and a cup which is tightened with the shimano bottom bracket to from a few years ago.
It came to me with a campagnolo chainset. I'm not sure if if will fit the campagnolo square taper or the shimano one. I'm also interested in how you tighten the two sides up?
Any advice gratefully received. Anyone know what make it is. There are no marks on it.
It came to me with a campagnolo chainset. I'm not sure if if will fit the campagnolo square taper or the shimano one. I'm also interested in how you tighten the two sides up?
Any advice gratefully received. Anyone know what make it is. There are no marks on it.
I'm new and can't work out how to attach a picture.0 -
Good news for bike shops there are still the hopless masses out there0
Have a look on Sheldon Brown's website; he details the various kinds of BB arrangements ... ckets.html0 -
Alejandrosdog wrote:Good news for bike shops there are still the hopless masses out there
I am at a loss to workout a link between IT and bike fixing skills.
I taught myself how to fix bikes when "IT" was "it" in capital letters. I have never paid a penny to any LBS since. They did not teach computing in schools then and my IT skills are limited but it has not stopped me fixing a bike.
Unlike some I have learnt how to get spellchecker to fix my lack of spelling skills.0 -
This sounds a lot like a normal set of Campag cups|sQ5evAGqF_dc|mcrid|295292317327|mkw||mmt||mrd|5360326385uk|mslid||&mkwid=sQ5evAGqF_dc&pcrid=295292317327&prd=5360326385uk&pgrid=58852352866&ptaid=pla-522561789991&gclid=Cj0KCQjwh6XmBRDRARIsAKNInDFPKWT8pUpAoqCWaOn7LvTj7joA2pce67SaahwihulQb1BY4kRb92oaAoPEEALw_wcB
I also am unsure how you would get a square taper BB in there.0 -
The set is much older than this ultratorque one. A friend says it sounds like the Royce sealed one from the 90's.but it's not exactly the same as theirs.