First ride out of 2019 at BikePark Wales with the Rhinos MTB Group (4K POV)

sprinter2012 Posts: 88
edited September 2019 in Your pics and vids
First ride out at BikePark Wales of 2019 with the Rhinos MTB crew, which was also my first time riding BPW as a group so I was experimenting with taking the role of follow cam for the day. Numbers were a bit thin on the ground for this trip due to other commitments, but we’re heading back for take 2 later in April!

Let me know what you think of the longer format and if there’s anything you want to see more or less of in future videos! Would you prefer it was trimmed down to only the most exciting parts, or leave the entire runs in and let the viewer decide which bits to watch?

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  • JBA
    JBA Posts: 2,852
    Nice vid.
    You did well to miss that tree on Norkle.
    “Life has been unfaithful
    And it all promised so so much”

    Giant Trance 2 27.5 2016 ¦ Sonder Broken Road 2021¦ Giant Revolt Advanced 2 2019 ¦ Giant Toughtroad SLR 1 2019 ¦ Giant Anthem 3 2015 ¦ Specialized Myka Comp FSR 2009
  • JBA wrote:
    Nice vid.
    You did well to miss that tree on Norkle.

    Haha thanks, I knew I was supposed to be going right at the split but for some reason I landed thinking I was going left and then got unbalanced when I tried to correct. :lol:
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  • diplodicus
    diplodicus Posts: 728
    Very good.
    Smiled to myself when you missed the right turn to Insufficient Funds. The lower part is my favourite run at BPW but I am always missing that turn myself.
  • billycool
    billycool Posts: 833
    Good video and well ridden.

    I loves the fast blues. Wish I could get airborne more but I seem allergic to it. Not been in 3 years, so nice to see the new trails.

    I thought it was a good balance of interesting stuff (I didn't switch off at all when watching, so that's a good sign). Love hearing trail buzz and if you're not whoopin', you're not having fun!

    I prefer fade in/fade out transitions, as they aren't so abrupt. Did you use a gimble?

    Keep up the good work.
    "Ride, crash, replace"
  • Looks very exciting. Thanks for sharing.

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