Fizik Arione and Bikefit

mr_mojo Posts: 200
edited April 2019 in Road general
I turn up for my local bike shop ride on Saturday morning and one of the shop employees start giving me a load of grief about my saddle choice, a Fizik Arione. According to him it is the worst saddle for fit and power output, he claimed I would gain 20 watts by changing to a different (not stating what) saddle.

I have the Arione on six of my bikes, although I’ve never had a bikefit I don’t find this saddle uncomfortable or any noticeable drop of power. My local bike shop is a reputable shop with a good record for bike fit setups. Anybody else heard of this about the Arione or can advise it what is been said is true.


  • Lots of pros use them, and sure they wouldn't want to lose 20W, I think he's talking rubbish.
  • amrushton
    amrushton Posts: 1,313
    He wouldn't happen to have the ideal saddle for you in the shop would he? Name and shame the shop. How does he know about the fit and power output? Has he sat watching the power output of every rider using that saddle on a display. It's what works for you.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    20w is huge. He's talking rubbish.
  • paulwood
    paulwood Posts: 231
    This thread was started on 1st April right?

    If genuine then I use Arione saddles despite being the wrong body shape according to Fizik and I find them just fine.
  • aberdeenal
    aberdeenal Posts: 200
    Damn! I could have saved ££££££££'s if I had just changed out my Arione saddle!
  • mr_mojo
    mr_mojo Posts: 200
    Genuine post, no April Fool joke.

    I didn’t believe what was said, I struggled to understand how the saddle can make so much difference to my power when I find it comfortable.
  • shirley_basso
    shirley_basso Posts: 6,195
    Then the guy is completely wrong.

    Easy way to find out. Do some form of FTP / ramp test on your bike on an accurate / repeatable turbo trainer. Following week repeat with another saddle.
  • What an utter pellet.

    Probably knows that changing saddles is potentially very lucrative for him/them. Half-dozen saddles at (for example), £80 each? That's a lot of £££ for a retailer. Been there, done that.

    I used Ariones for over a decade on all my bikes. Fantastic saddles if they suit you. I just got to a point I decided I needed a cut out and something a bit more forgiving of my 46 years
  • Have you asked him how he reached this conclusion and what evidence he has? Put his statement to the Manager and ask for verification. If found to be bull, name and shame.
  • svetty
    svetty Posts: 1,904
    Have you asked him how he reached this conclusion and what evidence he has? Put his statement to the Manager and ask for verification. WHEN found to be bull, name and shame.
    FFS! Harden up and grow a pair :D
  • joey54321
    joey54321 Posts: 1,297
    I would stop using that shop.
  • If found to be bull...

    Probably better off with an Aliante...
  • joey54321
    joey54321 Posts: 1,297
    Svetty wrote:
    WHEN found to be bull, name and shame.

    I don't believe the bull, snake thing. According to them I should be a snake as I have very flexible hamstring and can very easily touch my toes/lay my palms on the floor. However, I find the Arione to be very uncomfortable (which is a shame as it looks great! :P )

    I would name and shame the shop now.
  • mrb123
    mrb123 Posts: 4,868
    Inform Fizik. See if he still dishes out that advice after he has had the "cease and desist" letter from their lawyers...
  • philbar72
    philbar72 Posts: 2,229
    I've seen slight improvements from saddle changes, but 20 watts is nonsensical. a lot of bikefitters don't seem to like the oem saddle that comes with the bike :)
  • First.Aspect
    First.Aspect Posts: 17,848
    It is quite a heavy saddle, which could account for a few hundred watts. Plus all that flex means you are wasting energy heating up the carbon fibre of the shell.

    These statements are as accurate as the advice you've received.
  • Bumo_b
    Bumo_b Posts: 211
    He is right about the saddle. I also have a cream I can sell you for £80 that you rub on your temples and it will save you another 40W.
    The only way his statement can be true is if you are riding an ill-fitting uncomfortable saddle. Since you find it comfortable, it is a load of Bollix!
  • Alejandrosdog
    Alejandrosdog Posts: 1,975
    If you’re not a triathlete, there’s no need to believe him