Nightmare valve extender inside rim!

roadrunner20 Posts: 40
edited March 2019 in Workshop
Hi all.

Had a puncher and in process valve extender now inside rim of my canyon aeroad... (on separate matter I advise everyone changes tyres from stock ones ASAP as they have been bain of life since bought bike).

Issue I have is I've managed to use paper clip to get valve but the extender is such a size it won't turn upright and come out.

Any ideas? Otherwise somehow rim has to come off or some other stupidly expensive way.



  • paulbnix
    paulbnix Posts: 632
    Presumably the only issue if you leave it in the rim is that it rattles.
    Not sure if this would work but what about squirting a bit of silicon sealant so it traps the extender then just buy a new one.
  • Matthewfalle
    Matthewfalle Posts: 17,380
    paulbnix wrote:
    Presumably the only issue if you leave it in the rim is that it rattles.
    Not sure if this would work but what about squirting a bit of silicon sealant so it traps the extender then just buy a new one.

    i did exactly this when the same happened to me with my 60s years ago. worked perfectly. think i used windscreen glue.
    Postby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am

    De Sisti wrote:
    This is one of the silliest threads I've come across. :lol:

    Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honour :D
    smithy21 wrote:

    He's right you know.
  • paulbnix wrote:
    Presumably the only issue if you leave it in the rim is that it rattles.
    Not sure if this would work but what about squirting a bit of silicon sealant so it traps the extender then just buy a new one.

    i did exactly this when the same happened to me with my 60s years ago. worked perfectly. think i used windscreen glue.

    so i managed to use a paperclip to "catch it" issue is like i said at start is that the valve extender is annoyingly too long to stand up inside the rim.

    very very very frustrating, ideas so far are drilling into carbon rim side and making hole bigger so valve can get removed through bigger hole via side angle.

    bar that im out of ideas, frustrating that canyon supply with such poor tyres and tubes for such a expensive bike.

    keep those ideas coming lol
  • gethinceri
    gethinceri Posts: 1,709
    You don't need any more ideas, just follow the one you've been given.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    Yes drilling the rim would be a great idea. Maybe drill through the side of it.
  • Alejandrosdog
    Alejandrosdog Posts: 1,975
    use a hammer

    OR using a long pick, insert into the extender and jossle into uprightposition and remove. It went in so it will come out.

    if your patience snaps before you catch it just right then remove the tyre or tub and rim tape and remove through one of the much larger holes for spokes.
  • Bumo_b
    Bumo_b Posts: 211
    Maybe I am being thick here, and it is Monday so I reserve the right, but if it fell in, then it must of been of small enough length to fall in, so of small enough length to get out? Im not saying it is easy, or possible with days to day tools though. Sadly, gravity got it in there, but wont get it out no doubt
  • sniper68
    sniper68 Posts: 2,910
  • Sniper68 wrote:

    Got a place in the Pyrenees.
    Do bike and ski stuff.
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    if you've caught it with a paper clip then you may be able to get a line/string through it and through both valve holes - possibly start with a cotton thread glued to a pinhead and use a magnet? - you can then pull a larger line through then pull the line taught and it may be enough to just get the extender in a place where you can manipulate it with a small screwdriver to extract it.

    Alternatively, elongate the valve hole on the tube side - less visible...
  • term1te
    term1te Posts: 1,462
    I'm assuming the paper clip is bent open and is catching the valve extender with the wire inside the small tube? If so, how about putting some glue on the paper clip so it holds the extender more firmly and maybe you can manipulate it out through the hole it went it? An old spoke may be a better approach, and give you more leaverage, if you can snag the extender with one?