stuck gear cable

chatlow Posts: 848
edited March 2019 in Workshop

Replaced the rear gear cable on my 2017 propel and the nip that holds it in the socket on the 5800 105 shifter has managed to slip back and below where it should and is not firmly stuff under.

Taken a photo before i start ripping at it more and just wondered if anyone knows a way to perhaps get it free, through fiddling with the levers, taking it apart some more or just brute force?



  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Can you not push it through and dislodge the ferrule on the other side and grip with pliers and pull out ?

    Not got that shifter so apologies if it doesn't work like that.
  • chatlow
    chatlow Posts: 848
    Thanks but unfortunately there is no other side. there's a slot for the cable leaving the shifter going in on the inside and then the nipple should hold in place on the outside but it's somehow become dislodged and gone under neath.

    Here's a slightly better pic showing the cable slot and channel to where the end has got trapped..
  • -Dash
    -Dash Posts: 179
    Pull the hood right back and underneath the shifter is a plastic casing held by one small screw. Undo the screw and remove the plastic casing - two parts. You may be able to get to the cable end more easily then. I've had snapped cables many a time with 6800 and once I found this access route it became much easier to fix.
  • chatlow
    chatlow Posts: 848
    Thanks Dash - I did try removing that screw and took the plastic piece off (there was 1) but it isn't showing anything interesting really :-(
  • gazza1286
    gazza1286 Posts: 45
    The service hole on the shifter is only visible when the mechanism is racked to the highest gear. You will need to grab the frayed end to mimic the pressure from the RD spring. At the same time tap the 'down-shift' lever until the highest gear is reached. You should then be able to push the damaged end out. If you still don't have enough cable, super glue the tip of a rod onto the now visible cable end and pull it out.
    Good luck.
  • chatlow
    chatlow Posts: 848
    thanks all - gazza was onto something with the highest gear as looks as though it got stuck just before it. Bit of wiggling and shifting and it popped into lowest gear so I could see the end have managed to remove the nip after some blood, sweat and tears, Cable replaced - thank god Giant made internal cable routing easy. Done in ten mins!