Drivo II - poor - ERG doesn’t work properly / slow to change resistance

scoob113 Posts: 80
Hi folks.

The Elite Drivo II - have found it simply doesn’t live up to Elites claims and wondering if anyone else has noticed the same?
It takes 10-20s to change resistance in ERG mode, going up or down in power.

There’s a long thread running in elites forums but not much back from Elite on why they’ve not dealt with this.

So wanted to see if the bikeradar community have come across this issue.

Specifically the inability of the Drivo II to change resistance quickly while using ERG.
(It is supposed to be 3x faster and is supposed to be able to change resistance ‘in the blink of an eye’)

So - without resorting to workarounds (like jumping out of erg into level mode for a bit) or trying to compensate by by using large gear changes to try and speed it up ... (which mainly confuses the trainer and power goes the other way !)

Anyone else noticed this issue?