Cycling Jersey design for charity ride

rob39 Posts: 479
edited January 2019 in Road buying advice
Doing a charity event in June, looking for a self design cycle jersey to promote sponsors and the charity. Anyone recommend a company who are reasonably cheap as we don't have much cash free to spare??


  • philbar72
    philbar72 Posts: 2,229
    depends on the qty, but most people do a cheaper version of their jerseys if you can meet their minimum order quantities.
  • sniper68
    sniper68 Posts: 2,910
    Try Force GB
    They will do bespoke/one offs from about £25 IIRC.They make the Club kit of quite a few local CCs.
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    They all seem to go in phases of good then bad, back to good etc etc in terms of quality. I've used Champion Systems in the past who for us were excellent. Their lead times were a bit long, but they have changed things in recent years.

    We tried Owayo, but found the print quality to be rubbish. Unlike Champion Systems and most other manufacturers, they don't use the pantone colour chart making it difficult to get a natch for your design and sponsor logos.

    I've also had custom kit from Endura which started having thread runs with one wash.

    CS will do one item orders, but you will pay a heavy penalty for it at the checkout.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • drummer
    drummer Posts: 246
    Try Froggy Line in Italy.
    Excellent quality.
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,218
    philthy3 wrote:
    They all seem to go in phases of good then bad, back to good etc etc in terms of quality.
    I've also had custom kit from Endura which started having thread runs with one wash.
    Years ago we got kit from Endura, reasonably priced for around 20 items, looked great, lasted forever.
    Current club have just ditched them because stuff was falling to bits after 6 months (expensive stuff too) and printed incorrectly.

    If you want really cheap, you could buy a bunch of cheap jerseys and take them to one of those workwear/screen printing shops and see if they can overprint them. Might look naff though.