Is it time for 2019 Targets?



  • Longest ride this year was 43km, so quite happy with 4,900km total. Life got in the way, which is as it should be.

    This year intend going to do some longer rides - maybe the metric 100 challenge, and maybe ride up a hill abroad somewhere. And back over 5,000km. But life will take priority for another year, and back to a proper challenge for 2020.
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    My only 2019 target is related to weight loss. Hopefully riding the bike will play a part, but it will be mainly down to no longer stuffing my face with calorific shite. Onwards and downwards!
  • Train the puppy to be a trail dog??
  • cruff
    cruff Posts: 1,518
    edited June 2019
    10,000 miles for the year
    Second cat
    Sub 21 minute 10 mile TT
    Road Race win
    Club are doing Chorley to Edinburgh to Chorley over 2 days
    Would like to win all the club TTs (10, 25, 50, 100)
    Planning on doing a 12 hour as well

    Reckon four out of those seven is achievable, but not sure which ones...
    Fat chopper. Some racing. Some testing. Some crashing.
    Specialising in Git Daaahns and Cafs. Norvern Munkey/Transplanted Laaandoner.
  • phil485
    phil485 Posts: 364
    1: I managed 8851 miles in 2018 so looking to try and hit 9000 for 2019. Target was 8500 in 2028 so it was a good stretch.

    2: Also would like to raise my all time eddington number to 74 from 70. (need 14 more 74 mile rides)

    3: Complete the Metric Century challenge.

    4: Become a member of the Club des Cingle's.

    5: Continue enjoying the rides and stay healthy
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    Quite a few

    1) Making a success of BRUM 200. I've got 95 entrants, hopefully it will be a great event

    2) Completing an AAA Super Randonneur series in 30 days (April 20th to May 19th) and within the 30 days it would be kind of cool to complete the 4 rides in a cumulative time of 3 days (72 hours)

    That will leave me with a whole 6 months to think about another target... I'm cooling off on the idea of doing a Brompton race in London, accommodation in the capital is truly extortionate

    Possibly cycling to a conference again in late August, if it's held somewhere suitably far in the country...

    1) we'll see

    2) fail... haven't done any of the 3 AAA SR events I had planned... laziness/horrible weather/brutal cold the excuses. I have done a couple of solo rides (called DIY), so I've ticked the 200 and 300 km boxes... we'll see about the bigger ones

    3) Conference is in Bristol, so cycleable... just have to see if I am in UK or away
    left the forum March 2023
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    I'm on target for most of my bikes so fairly happy with that so far - just behind on Turbo & Best Road bike - well, the best road bike will sort out over the summer months and the turbo ... well... that's always a tricky one.

    Spending some time riding with Little Slowbike and Mrs Slowbike - so that's good too.
  • phil485
    phil485 Posts: 364
    Phil485 wrote:
    1: I managed 8851 miles in 2018 so looking to try and hit 9000 for 2019. Target was 8500 in 2028 so it was a good stretch.

    2: Also would like to raise my all time eddington number to 74 from 70. (need 14 more 74 mile rides)

    3: Complete the Metric Century challenge.

    4: Become a member of the Club des Cingle's.

    5: Continue enjoying the rides and stay healthy

    currently on target for 10000 but think I might drop back to 9500

    Eddington is now at 72 so going to plan

    metric challenge is going well 11 points and all months complete so far

    Cingles attempt is this saturday , this update is from the hotel in bedoin.

    curently fit and enjoying cycling more than ever
  • Tashman
    Tashman Posts: 3,492
    Tashman wrote:
    Just checked and I've only done 592km this year, very disappointed with that. I'm never going to do thousands but even still thats not where I wanted to be.
    Not been a great year for me mentally, but I really should have done more than that.
    Signed up for L2B next year so my focus for the first 6 months will be for that and getting up the Beacon. This will involve shifting substantial timber too. In the Ballot for the RL100 too so you never know, could be a huge jump. I really ought to dust off the turbo too as I know have a speed sensor and can record the additional km done there.
    So far so good. 1,028km in the bag so far with L2B fast approaching. Shifted over 2 stone so far for the year and last week went and had a run at Ditchling Beacon ahead of the main ride. Not fast by any stretch, but I made it up in 1 hit. For me this was a huge victory. Got a place in the Ride London too so L2B has become just another training ride!
  • cruff
    cruff Posts: 1,518

    10,000 miles for the year - On target (5283 miles so far)
    Second cat - not likely now as hardly raced - got a couple of top tens, but focused on TTs instead cos fat old chopper
    Sub 21 minute 10 mile TT - done (20:24)
    Road Race win - see above
    Club are doing Chorley to Edinburgh to Chorley over 2 days - three weeks away :o
    Would like to win all the club TTs (10, 25, 50, 100) - well, I've entered them all :D
    Planning on doing a 12 hour as well - erm.... - entered :roll:

    Reckon four out of those seven is achievable, but not sure which ones...
    Fat chopper. Some racing. Some testing. Some crashing.
    Specialising in Git Daaahns and Cafs. Norvern Munkey/Transplanted Laaandoner.
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,310
    Haven't achieved anything... lost the will to ride both 400 and 600 km brevets this year.
    I refocused on trying to get an AUK Altitude award, but they are not very prestigious, inspiring or neat... it's basically down to riding a lot of hilly brevets and racking up points... I'll do it for the views
    left the forum March 2023
  • kingstongraham
    kingstongraham Posts: 27,972
    Longest ride this year was 43km, so quite happy with 4,900km total. Life got in the way, which is as it should be.

    This year intend going to do some longer rides - maybe the metric 100 challenge, and maybe ride up a hill abroad somewhere. And back over 5,000km. But life will take priority for another year, and back to a proper challenge for 2020.

    Changed mine to do at least 100km every week. Missed 2 weeks in April when I got knocked off the bike, but otherwise achieved so far.

    And a new target is to have enough fitness to enjoy the Tourmalet in August.
  • Tashman
    Tashman Posts: 3,492
    Tashman wrote:
    Tashman wrote:
    Just checked and I've only done 592km this year, very disappointed with that. I'm never going to do thousands but even still thats not where I wanted to be.
    Not been a great year for me mentally, but I really should have done more than that.
    Signed up for L2B next year so my focus for the first 6 months will be for that and getting up the Beacon. This will involve shifting substantial timber too. In the Ballot for the RL100 too so you never know, could be a huge jump. I really ought to dust off the turbo too as I know have a speed sensor and can record the additional km done there.
    So far so good. 1,028km in the bag so far with L2B fast approaching. Shifted over 2 stone so far for the year and last week went and had a run at Ditchling Beacon ahead of the main ride. Not fast by any stretch, but I made it up in 1 hit. For me this was a huge victory. Got a place in the Ride London too so L2B has become just another training ride!
    L2B completed yesterday in 3h44m Not lightning but considering the conditions I was really pleased. I'd targeted sub 4h as a benchmark so happy to have smashed it. Now really looking forward to Ride London and seeing how I cope with the step up in distance.
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    hmm - don't think I'm going to hit all my bike targets - may get the overall, but doing ~50 miles per week on my winter bike, plus more on the turbo and the best bike .... going to fall short on one of them at least.
  • gbsahne001
    gbsahne001 Posts: 1,973
    gbsahne wrote:
      To stay upright this year; 2 off's so far this year, with one of them requiring a hospital visit
    [list=2]Mileage; get back to 10k (miles) or thereabouts, dropped to 7k this year owing to various commitments, which have curtailed the weekend rides[/list]
    [list=3]Replace my ageing hybrid for something slightly faster[/list]
    [list=4]Do more off road riding[/list]

    2 & 4 check; didn't manage to stay upright or replace the hybrid
  • drhaggis
    drhaggis Posts: 1,150
    drhaggis said:

    2018 saw me put reasonably SMART targets. I met most, and understand whi i didn't meet all. I hope to set wise goals now.

    For 2019 my target is:

    • Keep commuting, and do so without incidents. No crashes, less close passes and more fun.
    • Ride >5000 km.
    • Climb a Cat1 (or HC for bonus points!). Have a couple of ("soft") Cat1's in mind.
    • Do an imperial century
    • Get faster! The goal being enjoying routes with linked Cat2's or higher, rather than having to go close to FTP to reach a reasonable cadence.
    1) Fail. Tore my left thumb ligament while skiing. The very first day after the Doctor told me I could remove the splinter, and I managed to fix the flat, I was taken down by a dog in a park that ran directly towards me, due to a ball thrown by its owner. She fled. Total of ~6 weeks w/o cycling

    2) Despite the above, and not having done club rides this year due to personal circumstances, I'm on target. Only 350 km to go!

    3) Did the "soft" Cat 1. 50 minutes of climbing at a constant 6% felt quite long. Still, I doubt I can do a proper Cat I with the lowest 36x28 on my basque bike.

    4) Nope. Won't happen.

    5) Got an HRM las Xmas, which helps me pace better in longer rides. I think I was a tad faster this summer than last year, but only marginally. Probably won't happen turning commuting into some sort of training.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Planned not a mileage target but to ride every day of the year apart from when I was on holiday but sadly that plan went out of the window when I came off at the end of May and had 28 days enforced rest due to muscle strains.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    195 miles to match last years total - and already ahead of 2017 total - still won't hit targets I set, but I have exceeded a few individual ones I set.
  • kingstonian
    kingstonian Posts: 2,847

    I'll be looking at going over 10,000km next year. I'll do 9000km this year and missed 2.5 months due to injury so the goal is achievable.

    May also look to do a fast 100 miles (below 4 hrs 15 mins would be rapid for me), maybe the new Tour of Cambridgeshire route for this coming year will fit the bill.

    Decided in the Spring to reduce my target to 9,000km as I've had a lot of overseas travel (and therefore off the bike) this year. Will easily pass that, likely to do about 9,500km which is decent enough for me.

    Didn't get to do ToC this year, the timing didn't work out, but I'm planning on keeping the work up through the winter months and will hopefully do it in 2020.

    Next year? Over 10,000km is do-able, not bothered about trying to go much beyond that.
  • Haven't achieved anything... lost the will to ride both 400 and 600 km brevets this year.

    I refocused on trying to get an AUK Altitude award, but they are not very prestigious, inspiring or neat... it's basically down to riding a lot of hilly brevets and racking up points... I'll do it for the views

    And managed to get the "quarter award" or 25 AAA points, basically 25,000 mt of climbing in sanctioned AAA events... harder to achieve than it sound

    left the forum March 2023
  • I'm still struggling to come up with excuses for failing to achieve the targets I thought about setting for 2018..

    I think my 2019 target is going to be a thorough sort out in the garage, and shedding the extra stone I'll have managed to put on by the time Christmas is done.
  • cruff
    cruff Posts: 1,518
    10,000 miles for the year - done - 10,350 so far
    Second cat - actually got pretty close after having half my season wiped out by an idiot in a beemer. Two second places and a third toward the end of the year, but didn't race enough to get more than 21 points
    Sub 21 minute 10 mile TT - done (20:24)
    Road Race win - second :(
    Club are doing Chorley to Edinburgh to Chorley over 2 days - done (the first half anyway - weather was too horrendous to contemplate the return - though for grins I did do the out route solo myself the week before :smiley: )
    Would like to win all the club TTs (10, 25, 50, 100) - done
    Planning on doing a 12 hour as well - started, but changed saddle the night before, like an idiot, so climbed off 4 hours and 100 miles in :(
    Fat chopper. Some racing. Some testing. Some crashing.
    Specialising in Git Daaahns and Cafs. Norvern Munkey/Transplanted Laaandoner.
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    slowbike said:

    So - public time - I'll leave my overall target as 3000 miles for the year (said it wasn't much) - on the basis I want to ride more with Little Slowbike - but I want to get the MTB into triple figures and the Turbo up to 200 "miles" (although I've done a few fitness sessions which don't count miles - so need to consider that too!)

    I'm still 230 miles off the 3k mark - although I was heading for 3.1k I'll not make it.
    Certainly ridden more with little Slowbike - he's getting into off road riding - which has meant my MTB has done nearly double the yearly target - in fact, I've nearly put more miles on it this year than I'd done since I've owned it.
    Turbo smurbo ... if it's suitable I go on the road - Turbo hasn't done a lot this year. I mean to .. I just can't face it.
    Still - N+1 - Little Slowbike should be getting another bike shortly! ;)
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498
    Well - 2019 is pretty much done - one more commute (after this afternoon's return trip) will add another 20 miles to the total - I've got 50 miles to hit the 3k for the year - so I should do it.

    Yer - not a massive target - but I've done 200 on the Mountain bike and >300 on the CX which I pretty mostly with Little Slowbike - so probably spent as much time in the saddle this year as the years before he came along.

    2020 targets? I think I may go for TT targets rather than overall distance - may encourage me to actually use that damm turbo trainer ! ;)