Old, purchased Sufferfest videos

vinnymarsden Posts: 560
Well, I for one bought nearly all the SFest vids back when you could buy them individually, built up quite a collection..used in Trainer Road, worked great.Then got carried away with other platforms, Zwift, SF subscription based thing etc, until I discovered PERFPRO... it works in Windows only, so had to do a Windows install via BootCamp on the Mac..not difficult...and it has SOOOO many features, I can now use all the SF vids again, I can watch You Tube cycling races..films in the movie mode, whatever.
For anyone who, like me is fed up of subs for this that and everything else...its $99 one off payment...the support is fabulous, and the depth of information for the real techies is amazing!
Before anyone asks, NO I have no affiliation to PerfPro whatsoever, I just recognise a good thing, and without rubbishing it, I simply cannot take to Zwift..it's too cartoony, gamelike for me..I know it works for a VERY large audience, but each to their own.
Theres a 14day trial to give it a whirl....Sufferfest and Trainer Road are due to announce a price rise anytime..Zwift is already £12.99...my $99 investment seems a good price, which having bought it over a year ago is now essentially free forevermore...and as most folk know that is music to a Yorkshiremans ears!!!!!


  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    Gets a good write up on DC Rainmaker.
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • For what it is worth, there exists a "Sufferfest Erg Spreadsheet" hosted on someone's Google Sheets.

    It has exact timings of the Sufferfest videos. It can be used to create MDC files that match with the SF videos, allowing you to use the videos with TrainerRoad, Computrainer or other ERG mode software.
  • abba
    abba Posts: 5
    There is also GoldenCheetah. Completely free.
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    The Train mode on GC does need a bit of tweaking/modernising, but as it is a completely free of charge complex analysis suite , no complaints.
    +1 for GCN YouTubes at the moment - top tip , download separately from YT , put into your own playlist.
    NO one wants a AC interval interrupted by an ad for shampoo!
  • mamil314
    mamil314 Posts: 1,103
    Yes, no time to cringe at Kittel while training hard.
  • Wahoo Fitness App + Golden Cheetah + Interval Design Studio = $0
    JGSI wrote:
    The Train mode on GC does need a bit of tweaking/modernising, but as it is a completely free of charge complex analysis suite , no complaints.
    +1 for GCN YouTubes at the moment - top tip , download separately from YT , put into your own playlist.
    NO one wants a AC interval interrupted by an ad for shampoo!
  • stueys
    stueys Posts: 1,332
    green_mark wrote:
    For what it is worth, there exists a "Sufferfest Erg Spreadsheet" hosted on someone's Google Sheets.

    It has exact timings of the Sufferfest videos. It can be used to create MDC files that match with the SF videos, allowing you to use the videos with TrainerRoad, Computrainer or other ERG mode software.

    I don't suppose anyone would have a link to the spreadsheet? Google can't track it down for me