Zipping up a Brompton M3L



  • It is very very hard to go fast on them, I've not managed it since. That was with Marathon too.

    It's possible to get 20 on a track I reckon, that top gear is quite high.
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  • A couple of PR on my way home... I feel compelled to enter the World Championship in August :-)
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  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    It is very very hard to go fast on them, I've not managed it since. That was with Marathon too.

    It's possible to get 20 on a track I reckon, that top gear is quite high.
    Last time I did the World Champs (2014 I think, at Goodwood) the leading bunch averaged a bit over 25mph.

    Ugo - do it, it's great fun!
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I vwas lucky enough to get a place this year. Didn't have the legs to make it to the lead group but i hit 30 and average 20.5mph and that includes the cool down. Those bikes can shift.
  • TGOTB wrote:
    Last time I did the World Champs (2014 I think, at Goodwood) the leading bunch averaged a bit over 25mph.

    Ugo - do it, it's great fun!

    Yeah, it's the Mall now... it's 50 quid and a lottery draw... which is a bit steep, but I can just about afford it... should be able to pitch tent in someone's garden... :mrgreen:
    left the forum March 2023
  • MTB-Idle wrote:
    Can you do anything with the rear rubber suspension bung* in terms of stiffening it up? Whenever I follow a Brompton rider the flex that thing allows is ridiculous and is of course lost energy that is not being put down on the road.

    *I appreciate this may not be your exact model but you know the thing I mean.

    You were right... it's worth about half a mile per hour :D
    left the forum March 2023
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    Yeah, it's the Mall now... it's 50 quid and a lottery draw... which is a bit steep, but I can just about afford it... should be able to pitch tent in someone's garden... :mrgreen:
    Ouch! 50 quid would pay for 6 x 25 mile TTs. Or 3 x 1 hour CX races. Good thing it's only once a year!
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    You do get some freebies and drinks though for the price.
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    Fenix wrote:
    You do get some freebies and drinks though for the price.
    If the freebies are responsible for increasing the price, they're not really free!

    Apologies! As someone who enters a lot of races and also organises the odd one, one of my pet hates is events that justify eye-watering entry fees by giving out "goody bags" full of promotional tat that most people don't want. If you'd come to the race we organised a couple of weeks ago with 50 quid in your pocket, you'd have been left with £35 to spend on your own choice of gels, energy bars, food etc.
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • I agree, it's a lot of money... especially for someone like me, who often rants about how expensive sportives are. Problem is I can't see any other race on Bromptons... apparently one in Sheffield... but of all places I might want to race a Brompton, Sheffiled is the last... there is hardly any flat
    left the forum March 2023
  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    I know the race is oversubscribed. Nobody is forcing you to enter it. Obviously it's expensive - but if you can find any other Brompton races on the Mall - then I'd like to know.
    There is a Brompton Hillclimb somewhere in the peak district that I keep meaning to go to - but it always clashed.
    Once a year for this race (if you were even lucky enough to get in each year) doesn't seem too ridiculous. It's a one off.
  • Fenix wrote:
    I know the race is oversubscribed. Nobody is forcing you to enter it. Obviously it's expensive - but if you can find any other Brompton races on the Mall - then I'd like to know.
    There is a Brompton Hillclimb somewhere in the peak district that I keep meaning to go to - but it always clashed.
    Once a year for this race (if you were even lucky enough to get in each year) doesn't seem too ridiculous. It's a one off.

    Ultimately, if it's fun, then it's worth it... I had no problem paying 50 quid to do the Fred Whitton, it was totally worth it. I have more problems paying 50 quid to cycle an average course with nothing special to go for it.

    I think it will be fun... I need to get faster though...
    left the forum March 2023
  • There is an equivalent (in distance) folding bike race at the London Nocturne... which sounds more fun as an event in general, lots of races to watch, including the Penny Farthing one.

    Should be June 8th, which works for me

    Anyone has any idea of price?
    left the forum March 2023
  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    Fenix wrote:
    I know the race is oversubscribed. Nobody is forcing you to enter it. Obviously it's expensive - but if you can find any other Brompton races on the Mall - then I'd like to know.
    I get the whole market forces thing; I just prefer to race in a field that hasn't been demographically filtered by ability/willingness to pay 50 quid. There again, maybe that's a good thing from Brompton's point of view - ensures they get the right sort of people...
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    If you want to race - enter a race. Anything you enter with a formal dress code and a Le Man's start isn't entirely serious. It's a lot of fun. It's the centre of London. Of course it's not going to be cheap.
  • cougie wrote:
    If you want to race - enter a race. Anything you enter with a formal dress code and a Le Man's start isn't entirely serious. It's a lot of fun. It's the centre of London. Of course it's not going to be cheap.

    Yeahbut do you actually know the price?
    left the forum March 2023
  • TGOTB wrote:
    I get the whole market forces thing; I just prefer to race in a field that hasn't been demographically filtered by ability/willingness to pay 50 quid. There again, maybe that's a good thing from Brompton's point of view - ensures they get the right sort of people...

    They could do 10 quid, but probably not at the Mall... more like Hillingdon :wink:
    left the forum March 2023
  • Enjoyed commuting on my wife's folding so much that I decided to get one myself with the cycle to work scheme. It will be nice to have one each for holidays... so much easier to stick these in the back of the car, rather than the palaver of transporting normal bikes

    Going to be an S, tentatively 2 speed, possibly an E (no mudguards). I am thinking full white
    left the forum March 2023
  • Enjoyed commuting on my wife's folding so much that I decided to get one myself with the cycle to work scheme. It will be nice to have one each for holidays... so much easier to stick these in the back of the car, rather than the palaver of transporting normal bikes

    Going to be an S, tentatively 2 speed, possibly an E (no mudguards). I am thinking full white
    left the forum March 2023
  • Enjoyed commuting on my wife's folding so much that I decided to get one myself with the cycle to work scheme. It will be nice to have one each for holidays... so much easier to stick these in the back of the car, rather than the palaver of transporting normal bikes

    Going to be an S, tentatively 2 speed, possibly an E (no mudguards). I am thinking full white
    left the forum March 2023
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    You enjoyed it so much you're getting three ????
  • The joy of this forum platform...
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  • tgotb
    tgotb Posts: 4,714
    so much easier to stick these in the back of the car, rather than the palaver of transporting normal bikes
    You'd have thought so... I passed a large estate car on the motorway a couple of days ago. Just one person inside, no obvious sign of being fully loaded (rear seats in normal position, nothing visible above parcel shelf level in boot), but there was a fully-unfolded Brompton on the roof...
    Pannier, 120rpm.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Lol !! Well if you haven't got the instructions it can be tricky to work it out..