Derby to Solihull?

DeVlaeminck Posts: 9,112
Derby to Solihull, actually somewhere called Earlswood B94 5NA.

I have ridden to Polesworth a few times it being about as far SSW I'd go on a recreational ride - but beyond that on the map it looks like it might be very urban and there is no obvious route.

I'm riding down on Saturday morning and would like to do it in about 3.5 hours on a road bike so need a fairly direct route rather than one using minor cycle paths too much - but I don't want to risking my life on very roads - the car is an option but given the decent forecast I'd rather use the bike if it's doable.

Any advise on the best route to take or is going to be a nightmare of many miles of suburban riding?
[Castle Donington Ladies FC - going up in '22]
