Turbos - do I need a WI-FI connection??

Mjames79 Posts: 2
I want to get a smart trainer in my detached garage. Its 40m from the house (which has wifi) so the garage is out of wifi range. So do I need wifi to operate a trainer properly? or can I set up the workout on my ipad in the house and then simply play it back in the garage? are there apps/programs more geared towards the latter option? all thoughts appreciated.


  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Can you get WiFi in your garage through the electricity network ?

    Some things you need WiFi for but others you don't.
  • The Wahoo Fitness App + Bluetooth will get you what you need for fixed power repeats; which is what I do. Data is stored in your phone so you can move that to wherever you need from the phone whenever you want.
  • stevie63
    stevie63 Posts: 481
    Mjames79 wrote:
    I want to get a smart trainer in my detached garage. Its 40m from the house (which has wifi) so the garage is out of wifi range. So do I need wifi to operate a trainer properly? or can I set up the workout on my ipad in the house and then simply play it back in the garage? are there apps/programs more geared towards the latter option? all thoughts appreciated.
    I use sufferfest on my iPad and you can download the workouts first over WiFi and play them away from a connection.
  • mrb123
    mrb123 Posts: 4,881
    Ditto Rouvy. You can download video routes to your tablet before using them.
  • stueys
    stueys Posts: 1,332
    Wifi’s easier as you won’t have to download what ahead of time plus you can use the apps that need online connectivity (though Zwift if the only one that springs to mind....). Try a power line first, if that doesn’t work one of the mesh wifi extensors will give you good performance.
  • At some point you'll wish you had wifi. Wifi extenders are cheap and work really well. Get one. Sorted.
  • Bumo_b
    Bumo_b Posts: 211
    Wifi extenders running off the mains should work, did in my sister in laws house for the garden summer house. Also you could tether your phone depending on your data limit. Otherwise download in the house over wifi as has been previously suggested
  • chris_bass
    chris_bass Posts: 4,913
    How good is your mobile signal there? I use my phone as a wifi hotspot to run zwift and it works fine (assuming you have a good data plan on your phone). Most other apps should run without wifi, might just need it to save/sync if they do that but that can usually happen once you get signal again.
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  • FatTed
    FatTed Posts: 1,205
    You can use sufferfest, without WiFi. (all the time)