Interval Design Studio Visual Training Log for the Wahoo Fitness App

Update - Guidance Post has been updated.

This thread is for beta testers of the tool which autologs and visually trends uploaded data from Wahoo Fitness App ERG mode workouts:


Non-beta testers are welcome to ask questions as well as beta is expected to be extended to additional users soon.


  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Are the beta testers actually forum members - or are you simply just advertising a product?
  • Typical Analytical
    Typical Analytical Posts: 165
    edited December 2018
    Edit - Updated 2018 Dec 7

    I offer two main alternatives for how to get started with the tool. One, which is my preference, is based on maximum sustainable intensity. The other is based on using a training plan as an initial guide. Actually, a third alternative is to learn how to decode training plans.

    Maximum Sustainable Intensity

    In this approach, work is progressed by increasing power which is governed by the interval structure. The intensity for each workout is the maximum power that is sustainable across all intervals. These workouts are commonly described as "All Out" or "Full Gas". As the athlete becomes more fit, power must be increased. For example, if you are performing a 4x4 workout but are able to do 5x4 or even 6x4 then power must be increased such that you are only able to perform four intervals which is a good estimate of your VO2 max.

    Any workout structure can be used with this approach. Personally, I am current doing 4x4 and 4x8 workouts and plan to incorporate 40/20 later on after I settle in. For endurance maintenance, I am also doing 1x120 at 75% while watching Netflix for entertainment and taking a 30 second micro-break every 10 minutes for comfort.

    Combined Interval Duration <==> Intensity

    This approach is recommended for athletes who want to add load monitoring to an existing training plan. These plans are often based on increasing combined interval duration to a practical limit, usually based on available training time, followed by an increase in intensity. For example, a common progression is 3x10 SST ==> 3x12 SST ==> 2x20 SST ==> 3x10 LT ==> 3x12 LT ==> 2x20 LT ==> VO2, HIIT, etc.

    For maximum benefit from the Visual Training Log, I recommend substituting plan workouts with the most similar workout from the Library:


    This is because the Library was carefully designed for consistent progression, minimal overlap and optimum analysis.

    Manual Control

    Add/extend/split intervals as needed to maintain workout quality. For example, if you know you have another interval in you, then perform an extra interval and adjust the subsequent workout or plan accordingly. If you know you won't be able to complete the second interval of a 2x20 workout, then you can split the second interval into a 2x10 to maintain workout quality by still accumulating 40 minutes at intensity.


    Monitor RPE, HR, cardiac drift, resting heart rate and subjective indicators like sleep quality, energy, appetite, mood and motivation.

    If RPE and/or cardiac drift is higher but HR is lower then that is because of fatigue-induced heart rate suppression.

    Consistent sleep, nutrition, caffeine and hydration will help both performance and indicator reliability.

    Lastly, for optimum stimulus, keep cardiac drift for endurance rides between 5-10%. If drift is less than five percent, then increase duration. If greater than ten percent, reduce duration.
  • OP updated to announce upcoming room for additional athletes in closed beta
  • Please PM me with any questions. I'd like to keep this thread as clean as possible for beta testers.
    Imposter wrote:
    Are the beta testers actually forum members - or are you simply just advertising a product?
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Just the excuse I needed to make it messy.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Please PM me with any questions. I'd like to keep this thread as clean as possible for beta testers.

    Sorry to sound 'difficult', but this is an open forum - and I'd rather you answered my question in this open forum. As far as I can tell, you appear to be using the forum as your own personal communication/advertising tool. Happy to be corrected if that's not the case.
  • Imposter wrote:
    Please PM me with any questions. I'd like to keep this thread as clean as possible for beta testers.

    Sorry to sound 'difficult', but this is an open forum - and I'd rather you answered my question in this open forum. As far as I can tell, you appear to be using the forum as your own personal communication/advertising tool. Happy to be corrected if that's not the case.

    Well I'm not really interested in what you can tell but if I'm breaking any rules just let me know and I'll move this elsewhere.
  • Both OP and Guidance posts have been updated.
  • Guidance post updated with links to a training program and how to decode schedules.