Zwift training plans



  • Regarding Zwift training plans, I find that I'm unable to ascertain the method to their madness as many of the workouts appear to be complex and simulating rides or race situations as opposed to being based on interval workouts. I've heard riders say they are unable to complete some of the workouts and the response is that it is OK because you are not expected to be able to complete all of the workouts. This does not appear to be optimal compared to interval workouts where you can add/extend/split intervals as needed to ensure quality workouts and also if, for example, you cannot complete a 2x20 workout at your supposed FTP then your FTP might be overstated or if you are able to do 6x4 instead of 4x4 then your VO2 max may be understated, etc. Additionally, the progression of dissimilar workouts based on TSS instead of power or time is suboptimal, given the control over external load indoors as opposed to inferior, albeit all that's available, methods used outdoors.
  • Penski wrote:
    Hey OP - Any updates? How did you fare with the 'Build Me Up?

    Well I finished it although the lack of ability to reschule missed workouts was hugely irritating. The plan actually exceeded the weekly hours set out in the plan and a couple of the final weeks had 5 workouts. The workouts are a mix of sweet spot and threshold and were pretty similar to the TrainerRoad ones I did last winter.

    So my FTP went up by 7% despite missing a few of those sessions and I had a good Christmas getting back on the road in some foul weather. Made it up some hills in Devon where I may have stopped previously.

    That all said, Zwift is not as good as TrainerRoad for training and the virtual world for me was no more distraction from my burning legs than coach Chad and his text motivation.

    So I’ve gone back to TrainerRoad. The social side of Zwift never interested me and the new calendar system on TrainerRoad offers the flexibility I need. It might just be me adjusting to my new FTP but I’m finding TrainerRoad is pushing me to my limits (in a good way) that Zwift never did. As ever, your mileage may vary.
  • To add one further thing, Zwift have the kernel of a really great idea by stopping you doing a workout in favour of a less stressful one after a high TSS workout. But they don’t really follow through and make this into a truly flexible and dynamic plan.
  • Anyone tried the new "ramp FTP test" in Zwift yet, that was in this week's update?
    2020 Voodoo Marasa
    2017 Cube Attain GTC Pro Disc 2016
    2016 Voodoo Wazoo
  • courtmed
    courtmed Posts: 164
    I haven't because, rather annoyingly, I went to the effort of uploading this one & then calculating my FTP based on the instructions here ... -pb-hptek/ then literally a few days later they add one to their official workouts :mrgreen:

    Regarding Zwift training plans, after a long layoff I signed up to the FTP Builder one - about to start week 4 of 6 on Monday & I did the ramp test a few days ago to find that my FTP has gone up 30 odd watts in the first 3 weeks (although a fair chunk of that could well be down to poor pacing in my first test!)

    I was undecided about Zwift v TR for training but it's been a while since I did any sort of structured training so thought whichever one will work to start with. Maybe if I hit a plateau I'll give TR a go for a bit more focus, as that seems to be the common opinion
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I've seen some coaches on YouTube say that the some of the Zwift plans seem overly complex and don't make much sense. Must admit I liked the Traineroad plans - repeating sessions really showed up your improvements.
  • courtmed
    courtmed Posts: 164
    Yeah I've seen similar, ones that have you doing the hardest intervals at the end etc. But then I guess that could be explained by doing hard work when you're fatigued? Honestly I don't know enough about it to come up with my own conclusions, but I might give TR a go assuming I just jump on to another plan when this one's finished
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    TR is excellent for training - but I'm addicted to the social side of Zwift. I'm hoping I can find some good plans but for now I like messing around with stuff on there.
  • courtmed
    courtmed Posts: 164
    Do you just do your own thing when you're riding on Zwift? I've seen lots of people say they subscribe to both, follow a TR training plan & have TR controlling the trainer & overlay that over Zwift when they're riding... best of both worlds but hardly a cost-effective solution!
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Depends on what I feel like. Not training seriously at the moment so I mix it up. You can have social rides that are more like a club run or organized Trainor sessions with groups can be good as it's always easier to do sessions with others. If o just want a steady ride I'll put Zwift in a small window and watch something on the iPlayer otherwise I will get caught up in chasing people down and knacker myself.

    Then there's races. I don't do too many of them. They hurt.
  • Decided to try the new ramp test earlier...

    Didn't go completely right, ERG stopped matching the power resistance to the interval requirements and completely turned off part way through one interval, my guess is my cadence got way too low for the ERG power range of 34/18 (which is 84-484W IIRC)... Nick will be proud of that grinding, I'm normally a spinner in the 80-100rpm ballpark! :wink::lol:

    But it's given me a figure to work with, which matches 95% of my best 20mins power effort for the session, which sadly includes the ~30secs of no ERG mode... So I may have reached my short term goal of 325W for 20mins without the issue.
    2020 Voodoo Marasa
    2017 Cube Attain GTC Pro Disc 2016
    2016 Voodoo Wazoo
  • scott_w1987
    scott_w1987 Posts: 316
    Dylan has an annoying voice, but a lot of great info, especially for beginners to training in structured intervals...

    This video for Zwift -

    His channel has a lot of other good stuff too.