Leather Helmets - Safe?

Posts: 300
I have the misfortune of living in a country with compulsory helmet laws. Do leather helmets actually provide any safety benefits? As well as matching my shift to classic bikes, I like the idea of that level of ventilation to help alleviate the constant migraines that they give me.
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-1950 ... SwndRbZrfC
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-1950 ... SwndRbZrfC
As of June 2013, the legally-required standard for a bicycle helmet is AS/NZS 2063.
When I was cycling there I just wore my normal helmet but I was racing anyway so I'm used to that for competition. The old leather helmets won't be approved and if you have to wear a helmet it might as well be one that will absorb some of the impact. Those were quite hard.
I'd maybe look at something like this. Kind of looks like a hairnet helmet.
http://www.wiggle.co.uk/giro-aspect-roa ... 79967021420 -
you'll be fine wearing it until you fall off. no police person with anything better to do will bust you for it.
#itsahelmetPostby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am
De Sisti wrote:
This is one of the silliest threads I've come across.
Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honoursmithy21 wrote:
He's right you know.0 -
Matthewfalle wrote:no police person with anything better to do will bust you for it.
Lol, you haven't met a kiwi policeman.cougie wrote:As of June 2013, the legally-required standard for a bicycle helmet is AS/NZS 2063.
When I was cycling there I just wore my normal helmet but I was racing anyway so I'm used to that for competition. The old leather helmets won't be approved and if you have to wear a helmet it might as well be one that will absorb some of the impact. Those were quite hard.
I'd maybe look at something like this. Kind of looks like a hairnet helmet.
<a href="http://www.wiggle.co.uk/giro-aspect-road-helmet-1/?lang=en&curr=GBP&dest=1&sku=100509785&kpid=100509785&utm_source=google&utm_term=&utm_campaign=UK_PLA_Accessories&utm_medium=base&utm_content=mckv|s1XW2BXVR_dm|mcrid|67090840622|mkw||mmt||mrd|100509785uk|mslid||&mkwid=s1XW2BXVR_dm&pcrid=67090840622&prd=100509785uk&pgrid=17507340302&ptaid=aud-131695477502:pla-127996702142" class="skimlinks-unlinked" data-skimwords-word="http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wiggle.co.uk%2Fgiro-aspect-road-helmet-1%2F%3Flang%3Den%26curr%3DGBP%26dest%3D1%26sku%3D100509785%26kpid%3D100509785%26utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_term%3D%26utm_campaign%3DUK_PLA_Accessories%26utm_medium%3Dbase%26utm_content%3Dmckv%7Cs1XW2BXVR_dm%7Cmcrid%7C67090840622%7Cmkw%7C%7Cmmt%7C%7Cmrd%7C100509785uk%7Cmslid%7C%7C%26mkwid%3Ds1XW2BXVR_dm%26pcrid%3D67090840622%26prd%3D100509785uk%26pgrid%3D17507340302%26ptaid%3Daud-131695477502%3Apla-127996702142" data-skim-creative="500005" title="" style="">http://www.wiggle.co.uk/giro-aspect-road-helmet-1/?lang=en&curr=GBP&dest=1&sku=100509785&kpid=100509785&utm_source=google&utm_term=&utm_campaign=UK_PLA_Accessories&utm_medium=base&utm_content=mckv|s1XW2BXVR_dm|mcrid|67090840622|mkw||mmt||mrd|100509785uk|mslid||&mkwid=s1XW2BXVR_dm&pcrid=67090840622&prd=100509785uk&pgrid=17507340302&ptaid=aud-131695477502:pla-127996702142</a>
Thanks for the recommendation, definitely worth considering. One of the most appealing aspects of the leather one was how much ventilation is appears to have. Now that the weather's starting to warm up the headache's are coming back.0 -
bizarrely, TDV and MF once walked out of a cinema in NZ and didn't know what city or countty they were in let alone where their car containg their life possesions - including passports - was....
#confusedPostby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am
De Sisti wrote:
This is one of the silliest threads I've come across.
Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honoursmithy21 wrote:
He's right you know.0 -
No, leather helmets offer no protection whatsoever, but they look really cool! So if you're after that vintage cool look but don't care about protection then wear it and have fun, but if you want head protection buy another helmet and you'll still have fun but with less potential headaches and less looky loos!0
My head overheats but its a lot better with a Kask Mojito than previous helmets.0