Renewing my tubeless setup - checking what I need

johngti Posts: 2,508
edited August 2018 in Road buying advice
It’s been a while since I’ve changed the sealant in my winter, tubeless setup so I want to redo it before I have to start using the winter bike again. I need new rim tape, new valves (the current ones are getting gummed up) and new sealant.

The rims are the prime alloy ones which have a 17mm internal width. I think I need 21mm tape since I need to build the bed up a bit as tyres don’t mount particularly easily and they don’t stay mounted when I remove the valve cores to put sealant in (that made for a messy time last time!). Am I right?

In terms of the valves, I guess I could just replace the cores. Happy to be corrected though.

The sealant I have is stans which I hear isn’t all that good for road tyres. Which would be a good one to get?

Tyres are IRC and still seem fine.

Anything else I need to know?