saturday at every point on a cauchy surface

sungod Posts: 17,565
edited July 2018 in The bottom bracket

seems a bit nippy, ride, cafe, veg

stay away rain, let there be no sogginess
my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny


  • lincolndave
    lincolndave Posts: 9,441
    Morning,cooler this morning with a strong wind blowing, rain forecast no Cycling today for me
    Have a good weekend
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,291
    Slight dampness out there but windy. Today is running and as I’ve signed up for a long one and missed the first 6 weeks training it’s a 20 mile run :(

    Then into town for ale
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,367
    A day of jobs and lots of bits 'n' pieces awaits. Seems to be mercifully cooler today, which is a nice change and Muttley will be glad of it as well. Ironically he got a good close shave just the other day.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,950
    Morning folks,
    Slow start was interrupted by the builders next door at 8 this morning. He had said they wouldn’t be working weekends but as he’s gone back on most other thing he said he would do I shouldn’t be surprised. Got the party wall surveyor involved so at least some of it will be sorted.
    Going to the windmill cafe for a bite to eat with some friends later. I don’t have the seemingly necessary 4x4 or Hunter wellies Wombledon Village types have so not sure how I’ll survive the gravel car park. Going to see the folks later as we’ll be boxed in by Ride London tomorrow.
    Kinesis Pro6
    Marin Nail Trail
    Cotic Solaris
    Hmmm, should add a few more to this…
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    Hot and humid here in gloomy Cheshire. Just hanging around until it’s time to get ready for nephews wedding at 2:00. It’s going to be warm wearing a three piece suit.
    I wonder if I will be allowed to play the part of the slightly dodgy uncle or more than likely I will have to behave.
  • hopkinb
    hopkinb Posts: 7,129
    Veronese68 wrote:
    Going to the windmill cafe for a bite to eat with some friends later. I don’t have the seemingly necessary 4x4 or Hunter wellies Wombledon Village types have so not sure how I’ll survive the gravel car park..


    You'll probably be stuck for weeks.

    Coventry bound. :roll:
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,219

    Well morning started off rubbish, woke up feeling like crap, found half the garden blown all over the place so had to tidy all that up, and replace the washing line before heading over for a local mtb race...
    ...and finished first :D

    Managed to dodge the rain all day: all the downpours seem to have been very localised so far.

    The mountain's still on fire so they didn't get much rain up there :(
  • BelgianBeerGeek
    BelgianBeerGeek Posts: 5,226
    Hello all

    Popped out for some groceries, then an afternoon watching the TdF. Stopped off on the way and found a pub beer festival. Going back tomorrow to see it off.

    Ecrasez l’infame
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,367
    Hello all

    Popped out for some groceries, then an afternoon watching the TdF. Stopped off on the way and found a pub beer festival. Going back tomorrow to see it off.

    I've just found by far the most interesting moment of the TdF:
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]