Group ride Sherwood Pines, (see other thread 30th Sep)

steve_sordy Posts: 2,465
edited August 2018 in MTB rides
Who fancies another? Similar to the last one:

viewtopic.php?f=10014&t=13092190 (This is 2of2 vid of the ride)

But not exactly the same.

It will be a Sunday in late August, maybe early Sep. I said last time that I would try to ensure that the date did not conflict with the shift patterns of another member who has been trying to come on one of these rides for a few years now. Awaiting his response.

Got two dates now, it will be either 9th Sep or 30th Sep, both Sundays. I will confirm asap.

Date Now Agreed, see the dedicated thread.


  • billycool
    billycool Posts: 833
    Me - it's always good fun.
    "Ride, crash, replace"
  • t0ffeeman
    t0ffeeman Posts: 47
    Yep, I can make these dates :D
  • 898kor
    898kor Posts: 81
    Im up for it (kids also).
    Bossnut V2
    Levo FSR Comp
  • steve_sordy
    steve_sordy Posts: 2,465
    Opps! my laptop was hacked and planted with a ransom malware. The security of one of the groups I deal with was compromised and the perpetrator was able to get past my security. Didn't turn out to be serious, but I was without laptop for several days, and also could not send emails on my phone. :cry:

    All sorted now, but I am on the case again. Reminders sent to some who wanted to attend the next one.
  • steve_sordy
    steve_sordy Posts: 2,465

    Sunday 30th Sep it is. Meet up and timings as before.

    I will start a new thread with the correct date etc.