Broken Campagnolo Mirage front derailleur - options

mtpockets Posts: 20
edited July 2018 in Workshop
A piece adjusted by the limit screws has snapped off. 22 year old dynatech so can't grumble. A few questions please:

1) 53/42 8-speed 12-21 gearing, and seldom shift to big ring these days. For now cable loosened and derailleur held back with a cable tie to be sure. But viable to just remove it + cable, or need to add a chain guide?

2) Ebay replacement ~£20 but hard to gauge wear, however clean they look. Are other double campag models interchangeable with 1996ish (clamped) Mirage? Happy for LBS to do it if they'd have appropriate stock to hand, and doesn't cost loads.

3) 20+ years is a good run but 8-speed Mirage becoming an increasing hassle, and guess I'm reluctant to spend a lot more on fixes given the age and original spec - esp if parts just at point of imminent weakness/replacement.

i.e. Last year had a snapped rear dropout welded back on + damaged rear cage/pulleys replaced with 9-speed as couldn’t source 8-speed. Previously rear wheel rebuilt using original hub but getting a lot of spoke pinging from wear (and probably my ageing weight) so may need redoing. Replaced bearings, toe clips/straps again etc.

Just remove front derailleur for an about-town until it dies bike, and finally buy something else for enjoying exercise in the countryside?


  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Buy another (try Retrobike) - Mirage kit is pretty durable and will probably last another 20 years.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • mtpockets
    mtpockets Posts: 20
    Will take a look at the site, thanks.

    Edit: Have just removed it all for now. LBS confirm many compatible alternatives - will dig around old stuff for replacement.