Bicycle Touring in California

Posts: 40
Questions to ask Should I keep my Bike Touring Trips close to home?
Bicycle Touring in California
Feedback on this would be very helpful?
and I have read this "You Should keep your 1st solo bike touring trips close to home?" somewhere back about 10 year ago
I am planning Bike Touring from SLO, CA to San Diego, CA on 6-2019/6-2020 and My back up Bike Touring planning is from Flagstaff, AZ to San Diego, CA on 6-2019 going slow and easy on my Bike Touring Trip.. and This is going to be my 1st Solo Bicycle Touring Trip on the Pacific Coast Bicycle Route on 6-2020 or Sacramento, CA down the middle of California on CA Route 49 via Placerville, CA to Oakhurst, CA via CA Route 41 to Fresno, CA then the back roads to Visalia, CA then to Hanford/Lemoore, CA via CA Route 41 to Paso Robles then to San Luis Obispo, CA to pick up the Pacific Coast Bicycle Route to San Diego, CA Or Or something like Route that is near I-5 from Sacramento, CA to Fresno, CA then to Visalia CA then to San Luis Obispo, CA. And I am going to be using my Garmin Edge Explore 1000 GPS unit and California Paper Map
I will be taken the Amtrak Train from Los Angeles to Sacramento, CA, Portland, OR and Flagstaff, AZ
Note: I live on a fixed income and I am on a 3-5 months limit window of time and under Doctors care..
I have done 20 miles a day in San Diego, CA doing Stealth Bike Camping and I have shakedown trip from Riverside, CA via Indio, CA to Niland, CA(Slab City) on 12-2018
I need Feedback is Appreciated about my 1st solo bike touring trip
Right now I am saving money for my Bicycle Touring Trip about $75.00 a month and I really like to get to Syracuse NY via Scranton Pennsylvania and Poconos Mountains in Pennsylvania and Northwest of New Jersey for my 1St Solo Bicycle Touring Trip and I had it planned for 4-2014 but it was postpone to do to disability review and I am still getting gear and Replace my Sleeping pad for Thermarest Base Camp Sleeping Pad Regular Rectangular and I just
Replace my Sleeping bag with Big Agnes Encampment 15 F degrees Sleeping Bag Regular Right zip and New Kelty TraiLogic TN2 Tent and Footprint that replaced my Catoma Combat one man Tent and now I'm replacing my Hiking Boots after getting Foot fungus athlete's feet and and Yes going to Portland Oregon on the Amtrak Train from Los Angeles, California to Portland Oregon and Sacramento, CA is a lot cheaper than going to Syracuse NY on the Amtrak Train from Los Angeles, California and I really like to do the center of California on my Bicycle Touring Trip for Homelessness Awareness and I am In the Planning stage for my Bicycle Touring Trip and California might be Cheaper for me and I am on SSDI and SSI and My Window time frame outside of California is 3-4 months
This is my Bicycle Touring Trip Blog on Facebook
(Expedition Bicycle Touring)
Bicycle Touring in California
Feedback on this would be very helpful?
and I have read this "You Should keep your 1st solo bike touring trips close to home?" somewhere back about 10 year ago
I am planning Bike Touring from SLO, CA to San Diego, CA on 6-2019/6-2020 and My back up Bike Touring planning is from Flagstaff, AZ to San Diego, CA on 6-2019 going slow and easy on my Bike Touring Trip.. and This is going to be my 1st Solo Bicycle Touring Trip on the Pacific Coast Bicycle Route on 6-2020 or Sacramento, CA down the middle of California on CA Route 49 via Placerville, CA to Oakhurst, CA via CA Route 41 to Fresno, CA then the back roads to Visalia, CA then to Hanford/Lemoore, CA via CA Route 41 to Paso Robles then to San Luis Obispo, CA to pick up the Pacific Coast Bicycle Route to San Diego, CA Or Or something like Route that is near I-5 from Sacramento, CA to Fresno, CA then to Visalia CA then to San Luis Obispo, CA. And I am going to be using my Garmin Edge Explore 1000 GPS unit and California Paper Map
I will be taken the Amtrak Train from Los Angeles to Sacramento, CA, Portland, OR and Flagstaff, AZ
Note: I live on a fixed income and I am on a 3-5 months limit window of time and under Doctors care..
I have done 20 miles a day in San Diego, CA doing Stealth Bike Camping and I have shakedown trip from Riverside, CA via Indio, CA to Niland, CA(Slab City) on 12-2018
I need Feedback is Appreciated about my 1st solo bike touring trip
Right now I am saving money for my Bicycle Touring Trip about $75.00 a month and I really like to get to Syracuse NY via Scranton Pennsylvania and Poconos Mountains in Pennsylvania and Northwest of New Jersey for my 1St Solo Bicycle Touring Trip and I had it planned for 4-2014 but it was postpone to do to disability review and I am still getting gear and Replace my Sleeping pad for Thermarest Base Camp Sleeping Pad Regular Rectangular and I just
Replace my Sleeping bag with Big Agnes Encampment 15 F degrees Sleeping Bag Regular Right zip and New Kelty TraiLogic TN2 Tent and Footprint that replaced my Catoma Combat one man Tent and now I'm replacing my Hiking Boots after getting Foot fungus athlete's feet and and Yes going to Portland Oregon on the Amtrak Train from Los Angeles, California to Portland Oregon and Sacramento, CA is a lot cheaper than going to Syracuse NY on the Amtrak Train from Los Angeles, California and I really like to do the center of California on my Bicycle Touring Trip for Homelessness Awareness and I am In the Planning stage for my Bicycle Touring Trip and California might be Cheaper for me and I am on SSDI and SSI and My Window time frame outside of California is 3-4 months
This is my Bicycle Touring Trip Blog on Facebook
(Expedition Bicycle Touring)