Rival vs apex brakes

exlaser Posts: 266
edited June 2018 in Workshop
Simple question . Are rival brakes better than apex. Spec looks the same to me . I have a very nice van Nicolas bike but it only has the apex group set on it . Have just been given a new set of rival brakes. Is it worth while upgrade to fit them, would I notice the difference? Any views would be welcome.
Van Nicholas Ventus
Rose Xeon RS


  • exlaser
    exlaser Posts: 266
    Sorry. probably in the wrong section . Will post else where.
    Van Nicholas Ventus
    Rose Xeon RS
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    Well Rival fits between 105 and Ultegra for quality, whilst Apex sits between Tiagra and 105. Rival will be slightly lighter, but Apex brakes won't be pathetic.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.
  • svetty
    svetty Posts: 1,904
    Not sure they don't use the same calipers ???
    FFS! Harden up and grow a pair :D
  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    How long would it take you to fit the calipers ? 20 mins ? Worth trying to see if you notice a difference.

    In the real world I doubt you'd be able to tell.
  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    Svetty wrote:
    Not sure they don't use the same calipers ???

    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.