New cycling book - road cycling in the 1980's

tramotane Posts: 46
edited June 2018 in Road general

A shameless plug as I wrote the above.But I thought some of it's content might interest the users of this forum, as it covers growing up from a teenagers perspective in the1980's,club life, road racing and life in general.

Profits from the book are going to




  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,280
    It sounds interesting, but a quick glance has put me off buying it. I found quite a lot of errors in the first few paragraphs of chapter one.

    Huret and not Hurret

    Its rider and not it's rider

    speed, came and not speed,came other commas don't have a space after.

    Eggy you're and not Eggy your

    I suggest you give it a good spell check and general grammar check and resubmit the file

    Also, some humour is a bit too much and frankly dated... "sore arse" homophobic joke. "Cxnt" and "toxser" and "fuxkin" in less than one page... are they necessary?
    left the forum March 2023
  • navrig2
    navrig2 Posts: 1,848
    Hmmmmm, interesting writing style. Tried to read 2 pages but it's hard going. Some may like it but not me.
  • matt_n-2
    matt_n-2 Posts: 581
    The spelling and grammar in the description alone is terrible, you really need to get someone to proof read it.
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