Alternatives to Cyclingnews

onyourright Posts: 509
edited May 2018 in Pro race
I have watched Cyclingnews descend to gutter journalism over the last few years, inspired by a rabid hatred of Sky (initially just success?) that now colours every word they write.

The reader comments, presumably by people drawn to real or imagined scandal, are often depressingly stupid too.

I’m tired of the clickbait and tabloid tone although I would like to see more writing that probes and scrutinises Sky and other teams in a rational, reasonable, journalistic way.

So what alternatives are there for following pro cycling?



  • ShutupJens
    ShutupJens Posts: 1,373 would be my recommendation. Not the place to go for all the results etc but does good previews and analysis as well as shedding light on some of the things that you don't see
  • dolan_driver
    dolan_driver Posts: 831
    Velonews is also worth a look. One of their writers even predicted Froome's attack of last Friday. ... iro_467499

  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,860
    ShutupJens wrote: would be my recommendation. Not the place to go for all the results etc but does good previews and analysis as well as shedding light on some of the things that you don't see

    PCS is surely the best place for results, race websites and wot not.

    A couple of news sites that I have come across, since I stopped with Cyclingnews articles. Not just because of all the agenda driven crap, but because they are plastered in ads and block ad blocker!
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • super_davo
    super_davo Posts: 1,251
    Have to agree with the comments on Cyclingnews. Its gone downhill, fast. The anti Sky rhetoric has gone way too far; it doesn't read like investigative journalism, it reads like they have an axe to grind. A cycling news site should major on news, results, interviews and insight. The last two points are sadly lacking these days because they've p'd off so many people to the point where they won't talk to them any more.

    The Phillipa York article on stage 19 for me was the last straw. Previously, that column was excellent; the best thing about the site by a mile. But to just dismiss the whole thing as "Froome must be doping" completely misses all the nuances, subplots, opportunism and errors that made the (absolutely superb) race. There was much better insight in the spoiler thread in this forum.
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,765
    Cyclingnews is OK for finding out a result and reading a quote or two. The rest is just cickbait.

    Preferable alternatives include poking your eyes out with a rusty spoon, or some of the suggestions above.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810

    Twitter when you follow some sensible people...

    Say, the cycling podcast and the boys, ned boulting, inrng etc. Follow the race accounts when they re on etc.
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,381
    I follow The Cycling Podcast (not a 'friend' - £15 now?) still as it can be an interesting listen, though there are times I find their wittering on partic about Sky tedious. Insight-lite, too much rehash of soshul meejah commentary, 'people say...' and the like, can come across like 2-3 guys sitting in a pub discussing what they've heard about a subject rather than working with and promoting facts, you know old school journalism stylee. In the last Giro wrap up one, they even sounded a bit like the BBC does in trying to be 'impartial'.

    I like LA's directness in his Stages (is he calling it The Move now or not?) podcasts, he takes a position, whether or not the average listener might agree or take the hump.

    Will carry on listening to Moore, Birnie and Friebe, until I get too irritated that is...
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788
    Ironically I quite like the Cycling news podcast, especially if they have Ed Pickering on. He gave a pretty good stab at predicting what would happen pre the second Giro TT.
    I also like Cycling Tips
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    The Move is now bay far and away the best podcast for race analysis

    The cycling podcast is second place but you get all the rest too.
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,456
    ddraver wrote:
    The Move is now bay far and away the best podcast for race analysis

    Link please? Can't immediately find it...
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    It might still be under Stages or The Forward Podcast
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • bobmcstuff
    bobmcstuff Posts: 11,456
    Got it, ta - search Stages and The Move comes up first... Stupid.
  • mamil314
    mamil314 Posts: 1,103
    It irritates me that Armstrong is not finishing half of his sentences. Takes getting used to.

    OP: Cycling News have no hatred to Sky or Froome. They just are willing to be a playground for folks whipping each other into frenzy and carefully formulate headlines to maximise 'discussion'. Many clicks there. Have you seen the amount of ads they have?
  • andyrac
    andyrac Posts: 1,230
    super_davo wrote:
    Have to agree with the comments on Cyclingnews. Its gone downhill, fast. The anti Sky rhetoric has gone way too far; it doesn't read like investigative journalism, it reads like they have an axe to grind. A cycling news site should major on news, results, interviews and insight. The last two points are sadly lacking these days because they've p'd off so many people to the point where they won't talk to them any more.

    The Phillipa York article on stage 19 for me was the last straw. Previously, that column was excellent; the best thing about the site by a mile. But to just dismiss the whole thing as "Froome must be doping" completely misses all the nuances, subplots, opportunism and errors that made the (absolutely superb) race. There was much better insight in the spoiler thread in this forum.

    Agree with this. I think it's an awful site - both journalism and comments are jaw droppingly poor. I do wonder whether they really are actual fans of the sport. There was a comment last week along the lines of 'I couldn't enjoy the race, as Froome made me feel sick..' FFS get a life...
    All Road/ Gravel: tbcWinter: tbcMTB: tbcRoad: tbc"Look at the time...." "he's fallen like an old lady on a cruise ship..."
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    The six degrees of Sky separation game they play can be quite fun sometimes though...
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • Richmond Racer 2
    Richmond Racer 2 Posts: 4,698
    I have watched Cyclingnews descend to gutter journalism over the last few years, inspired by a rabid hatred of Sky (initially just success?) that now colours every word they write.

    The reader comments, presumably by people drawn to real or imagined scandal, are often depressingly stupid too.

    I’m tired of the clickbait and tabloid tone although I would like to see more writing that probes and scrutinises Sky and other teams in a rational, reasonable, journalistic way.

    So what alternatives are there for following pro cycling?


    have you thought about this site? I think it might be more up your street

  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Sporza wielrennen is pretty good.

    Lil’ parochial though.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,290
    Sporza wielrennen is pretty good.

    Lil’ parochial though.
    Lil' in the wrong language too for most of us.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,290
    ddraver wrote:
    The Move is now bay far and away the best podcast for race analysis

    The cycling podcast is second place but you get all the rest too.
    It was funny early in the Giro to see one of the contributors to the Cycling News having a Twitter rant about how Armstrong shouldn't be allowed to comment on the sport due to his ban. I'm guessing the CN podcast isn't getting any attention.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • ddraver
    ddraver Posts: 26,810
    I kind of hate that I like it so much but objectively it's just the best.

    If he honest know about a race he finds someone who does (e.g. classics)
    We're in danger of confusing passion with incompetence
    - @ddraver
  • onyourright
    onyourright Posts: 509
    Thanks for the suggestions, all.

    I can do French and Portuguese at a push, but not whatever weird language Sporza wielrennen uses. Maybe someone knows of a decent French site other than l'Équipe?
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    RichN95 wrote:
    Sporza wielrennen is pretty good.

    Lil’ parochial though.
    Lil' in the wrong language too for most of us.

    Fair bit is in English; interviews etc