Tour spectators thread



  • paul_sw
    paul_sw Posts: 19
    Heading out to Annecy and then onto Bourg D'Oisans - just looking at the roadbook and noticed La Course is riding a slightly shortened stage 10 route starting at 9am - we were planning to ride out from Annecy to the Col de la Columbiere....

    Just wondered if anyone has experience from the Col d'Izoard stage last year with regards whether the stage route stays closed after La Course has gone through and the caravan arriving?
    Also, I've always previously climbed cols in the direction of the stage route, never climbed the descent to reach the top of a climb. I'm guessing a fair few cyclists will climb from Le Grand Bornand, does anyone know if the Gendermerie are more relaxed on the descent compared to the ascent?
    cheers for your help....
  • effillo
    effillo Posts: 257
    Has anyone got any experience of race starts in recent years? The s any of the buses etc accessible? Or is it all fenced off in village deaprt?
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,153
    Any recommendations for a good spot on the final stage? I don’t really want to spend hours standing on the barriers with forecast temperatures of 29 degrees (slightly better than today’s 36 though!). I thought about watching them through the Bois de Boulogne then trying to get somewhere on the circuit. I’m fairly tall so don’t mind being a few rows back.
  • I’ve seen the Gendarme get a bit handy with folk who thought they could just nip down the Col on their bikes.
    Fairly prophetic!