wednesday and the sun is shining

sungod Posts: 17,125
edited April 2018 in The bottom bracket

cafe, wfh, head to airport hotel
my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny


  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,081
    Hybrid commute with manflu is today’s main task
  • lincolndave
    lincolndave Posts: 9,441
    Morning, sunshine here today , let’s get the bike out

    Sg enjoy your hols
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    Very gloomy here got to wait in for the shopping to be delivered.An amble will be on the cards later, either across to Lastingham or along the river Dove from Lowna bridge. Even later will be the local history society meeting at the pub, as the missus is dead keen to find out the history of our cottage.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Enjoy your hols SG.
    Sun? What sun? Grey, breezy and damp under foot.
    Another meandering day stretches before me, hopefully featuring bike. What to wear though. Do I dress for said grey dismal weather or do I believe the weatherman that God will switch the sun on later? Decisions, decisions.
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,125
    pleasant out, wind has dropped and not as cold as yesterday, pain au choc and a couple of coffees
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • step83
    step83 Posts: 4,170
    Morning, very tired today so I've a feeling it's going to drag plus side it should be nice out as its sunny already
  • Weather is set fair, may ride bike and eat cake
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,692
    Morning folks,
    The sky is a strange blue colour down here, I think some of the local scrotes have stolen the clouds.
    Had a very pleasant, if rather slow, wobble in this morning. Unfortunately I suspect it will be another busy day dealing with idiots. Later is pub as it's Wednesday, unfortunately our usual venue has a quiz tonight and the second choice is shut. Might have to venture further afield.
  • Flâneur
    Flâneur Posts: 3,081
    Damp start, but feels like it could warm up finally.

    Glad life is normal for V68 and enjoy the hols SG, don't do anything untoward...
    Stevo 666 wrote: Come on you Scousers! 20/12/2014
  • mrfpb
    mrfpb Posts: 4,569
    Two firsts for the year:

    Washing on the line
    Hayfever tablet.

    May add a ride in shorts to the list.
  • weezyswiss
    weezyswiss Posts: 123
    Feels like summer here, so it's work then lunch ride to the coast and back. Maybe bin off work if it's too nice and stay out on the bike.

    Short sleeves will be out along with the blindingly white legs!!
  • homers_double
    homers_double Posts: 8,231
    Cold again here, me thinks the heatwave is taking the Michael.

    Flooring man is at HD towers today so things might stop looking like a cess pit shortly.
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • Wheelspinner
    Wheelspinner Posts: 6,658
    Cold again here, me thinks the heatwave is taking the Michael.

    Flooring man is at HD towers today so things might stop looking like a cess pit shortly.
    Unless he did his apprenticeship with your plumber... :D

    Flat busy day investigating cause of GMFU by data management minions. Now sorted, and a promise extracted that it won't be repeated on pain of disembowelment with a letter opener.

    Out to nearby pub for dinner. Good wine, friendly service but sh!t food. Oh well.
    Open One+ BMC TE29 Seven 622SL On One Scandal Cervelo RS
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 60,598
    TLW1 wrote:
    Hybrid commute
    I did one of those yesterday.

    Today is the day we get official conformation of pay rises for the non-management grades so I'm having fun playing Santa Claus with the minions.

    Apart from that, glorious day down in The Big Smoke. 'T1t Wednesday' seems to have arrived - that being the day when temperatures rise to that magical level where women decide to wear skimpy gear when getting dressed in the morning. I knew it was worth living down here for some reason or other.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • Matthewfalle
    Matthewfalle Posts: 17,380
    Glorious day, lots of stuff done, just having a bite to eat before going to the gym.
    Postby team47b » Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:53 am

    De Sisti wrote:
    This is one of the silliest threads I've come across. :lol:

    Recognition at last Matthew, well done!, a justified honour :D
    smithy21 wrote:

    He's right you know.
  • hopkinb
    hopkinb Posts: 7,129
    Weather is sweet, make you want to move your dancing feet. Lift our heads and give Jah praises.

    Commonwealth Heads of Government all over the auction round here, meaning road closures and general traffic clogginess caused by old Bill stopping traffic and whistling so VIPs can whoosh through unhindered in their armoured SUVs.

    I shed the arm warmers mid ride this morning, accomplished while doing "look mum no hands" and overtaking the hordes of fair weather commuters. I don't think I will even put them on whilst on the way home. The base layer might also be superfluous, so just shorts and jersey!
  • homers_double
    homers_double Posts: 8,231
    Cold again here, me thinks the heatwave is taking the Michael.

    Flooring man is at HD towers today so things might stop looking like a cess pit shortly.
    Unless he did his apprenticeship with your plumber... :D

    I hope to god their paths have never met, a bit like Ghostbusters really as that meeting of minds might cause mine to explode.
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Warmish if windy ride this morning. The dangling pieces of string where my legs should be were on display to all and sundry.
    Highlight was stopping to speak to a fellow rider who had stopped to feed his sandwich to the chub in the River Penk when I was surprised by the sight of a kingfisher doing his thing. First one I've ever seen.
  • singleton
    singleton Posts: 2,523
    Got out for an hour around lunchtime - beautiful day and great to be riding the good bike in shorts.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    Amble ambled lots of wild daffodils,bucolic streams and Curlews calling. History meeting cancelled as the missus fancied sitting on the patio in the sun drinking wine instead.
    Gutted. :D
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Webboo wrote:
    Amble ambled lots of wild daffodils,bucolic streams and Curlews calling. History meeting cancelled as the missus fancied sitting on the patio in the sun drinking wine instead.
    Gutted. :D

    How much did the wine cost? Important that we know as a benchmark has been set.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    Not sure as it came with shopping delivery this morning that the missus did on line. Went down well,could fancy another bottle though.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,086
    Ballysmate wrote:
    ...I was surprised by the sight of a kingfisher doing his thing. First one I've ever seen.

    Stunning colours.

    Jah sun didn't come out until after 3.

    Me done tiling me.

    Nuff said, Tomorrow grouting then tidy. Then tinker with old old new banger.

    That's the style Weboo.

    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • ballysmate
    ballysmate Posts: 15,930
    Pinno wrote:
    Ballysmate wrote:
    ...I was surprised by the sight of a kingfisher doing his thing. First one I've ever seen.

    Stunning colours.

    Jah sun didn't come out until after 3.

    Me done tiling me.

    Nuff said, Tomorrow grouting then tidy. Then tinker with old old new banger.

    That's the style Weboo.


    Same ride was tinged with a bit of sadness. A duck was looking forlornly at her mate who had been splattered on the road. :(
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,086
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Pinno wrote:
    Ballysmate wrote:
    ...I was surprised by the sight of a kingfisher doing his thing. First one I've ever seen.

    Stunning colours.

    Jah sun didn't come out until after 3.

    Me done tiling me.

    Nuff said, Tomorrow grouting then tidy. Then tinker with old old new banger.

    That's the style Weboo.


    Same ride was tinged with a bit of sadness. A duck was looking forlornly at her mate who had been splattered on the road. :(

    I have stopped the van in the road sideways on more than one occasion to allow ducks and ducklings to cross the road.
    On one other occasion, I picked a hedgehog up (in my jumper) and led it to safety and a car driver passed me as I was getting back into my car and tapped his head with his finger at me!
    W@nker of the highest order. If I was PM, I would have a systematic castration plan.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,125
    Ballysmate wrote:
    Same ride was tinged with a bit of sadness. A duck was looking forlornly at her mate who had been splattered on the road. :(


    people who can't be bothered to slow down/avoid animals in road deserve the same treatment

    last week i thought "ducks!!!" and went hugely wide on the bike to avoid a column of ducks taking a walk across the road to horse guards
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny