Will road/CX make difference on 11mph average speed?

TheGardenGnome Posts: 170
edited April 2018 in Road buying advice
On my hybrid, my average speed is 11mph over 90mins (180 min round trip), 1/3 of the journey is hills and I'm 40kg overweight. Will me getting a road/CX bike save any time or make the trip easier for me (I know the hills will not become easier on road/CX) considering my average speed on a hybrid- I'm only considering wind resistance here as it makes no sense for me to worry about the weight of the bike.

Note: I have no intention of wearing lycra.


  • cookeeemonster
    cookeeemonster Posts: 1,991
    To be honest it probably won't make a massive amount of difference until you get sttonger/lose weight but you will find it easier against a headwind than you do now.

    Unless you just wanna get a new toy I'd hold off for the moment, make some gains with the hybrid then treat yourself in the sales later?
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Depends on the relevant position.

    Cross bikes tend to be a bit higher than road bikes - or mine is anyway but the position is very similar to my road bike.

    If you have massive wide bars on your hybrid then road bars will be more aero.

    If you have flappy clothing then consider getting something more slippier through the air.
  • cycleclinic
    cycleclinic Posts: 6,865
    Clothing and position make a big difference.

    Fast riders not only out out more power but they are more aero too.
    http://www.thecycleclinic.co.uk -wheel building and other stuff.
  • I'm not in a hurry to buy a new bike, but I'd like to have a a new toy- something a bit different (with the old bike being a spare). I'll hang fire on the new bike and reward myself with a new one when I lose 10kg which should be reasonable I hope.
  • banditvic
    banditvic Posts: 549
    Going by my old rides I was about 1 and a 1/2 miles an hour faster on drop bars.
  • Nope. Well maybe a little if you use the drops (which will still be higher than a proper road bike).

    Drop the front end on your Hybrid if you can handle the lower position. Flip the stem so it points down if you have to so you can get lower and more aero. Cut an inch off each side of the handlebars. Get some narrower and faster tyres. Those things will make a difference.

    But in reality just lose weight and get fitter, but you already knew that. :-) Enjoy!
  • So there we have it, a resounding no unless you use the drop bars :?
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • yiannism
    yiannism Posts: 345
    40kg overweight is massive, lose at least half of those before even think to buy an other bike. Even 5kg less on your body will do wonders on your speed, so just work harder, and eat less/better.
  • If a nice new road bike will encourage you to ride more, get the n+1.

    I'd expect your average speed, depending upon junctions and lights, to improve on a more aero bike that also weighs a bit less.
    2020 Voodoo Marasa
    2017 Cube Attain GTC Pro Disc 2016
    2016 Voodoo Wazoo
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    If you are 40kg overweight, then bike choice is going to be largely irrelevant...
  • guinea
    guinea Posts: 1,177
    Don't listen to the naysayers. Get on a new race bike.

    It will be faster and you may be inspired to ride it a bit more.
  • 3wheeler
    3wheeler Posts: 110
    What hybrid have you got now? And what tyres have you got on it?
  • TheGardenGnome
    TheGardenGnome Posts: 170
    edited April 2018
    Ridgeback Meteor 2013-2014
    700x32 tyres

    It's not that I need more inspiration to cycle, I'm beginning to see the benefits already and feel better for it anyway, I can manage cycling to work everyday now so I'm pretty committed. Good thing they have showers at work...
  • Moonbiker
    Moonbiker Posts: 1,706
    Tyres there rolling resistance & weight make a difference.

    Hybrids often have crap tyres.

    700x32c can be fast or slow dependent on tyre model & brand.

    Downside is Fast tyres usaully puncture more easy though can & wear out faster

    I have theese on my cx

    https://www.hargrovescycles.co.uk/speci ... gKFbvD_BwE
  • 3wheeler
    3wheeler Posts: 110
    Ridgeback Meteor 2013-2014
    700x32 tyres

    It's not that I need more inspiration to cycle, I'm beginning to see the benefits already and feel better for it anyway, I can manage cycling to work everyday now so I'm pretty committed. Good thing they have showers at work...

    That bike is pretty heavy at over 13kg compared to a modern road bike, but since you mention your extra weight probably not a major concern. It's also quite an upright/comfortable geometry - so you would definitely benefit from something that puts you in a more aero shape, even if you'e not on the drops - but possibly at the expense of comfort depending how natural that position is for you.

    You would definitely be faster on a new road bike, and I suspect you'll enjoy being on something new and shiny!
  • I had a one month old rear wheel that just gave up on me. I would love to be able to ride faster as long as I could find a tank on bike wheels, I'm not too miffed about the weight, I have no right to be at this point, but I'd need something very robust to allow me to continue to bike without worry. I'm trying to see if I can get down to 100kg first, maybe there will be more bikes open for me to try?
  • darkhairedlord
    darkhairedlord Posts: 7,180
    New bike with decent tyres will help. PLUS your 90min ride will take you further, encouraging you to stay out on longer rides. This will get you fitter..rinse and repeat...