Tyre and tyre Pressures with BKool

skyblueamateur Posts: 1,498
I had loaned a BKool classic and was using the simulator with a ‘normal’ 23mm Vittoria Rubino tyre and was logging my power.

I then bought my own BKool classic and swapped out the tyre for a dedicated turbo tyre. I used the same tyre pressure but am massively down on Power compared to previously.

From only using ‘virtual’ Power previously the results are more in line with loaned BKool. Now I’m strugggling to do 250W - 300W flat out.

Would this be down to the tyre or an issue with the BKool?



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    had similar problem with my tacx vortex..

    Make sure tyre is pumped up to at least 8bar ( 120psi ) and has sufficient pressure pressing against the roller...I run a Vittoria Zaffiro trainer tyre and since I set it up correctly its logging higher outputs on the trainer..
  • Thanks for the reply.

    I tried pumping the tyre up more and sitting it again but still no joy.

    The speed the BKool simulator shows is about what I’d expect but the power seems to be down.

    I’m 70kgs and the ride tonight shows an average power of 164W and speed of 18.8mph for 983 feet climbing over 13 miles.

    It’s not a massive issue per se but I’m slightly concerned that if the power is down when I go to simulate one of the bigger mountain climbs it’s going to hammer me.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    not familiar with the full set up of the bkool.....Do you have to calibrate the trainer to the trainer software ?
  • This is what ia throwing me as the BKools don’t need calibrating so I should have the same readings for both trainers.

    I still have the loaned trainer so may set that back up and do a comparison.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    the tacx trainer ( vortex ) has an iPhone app to calibrate the tyre to the roller...does the bkool have anything similar ?

    Are you using Zwift ? ( sometimes it provides the opportunity to calibrate the trainer to Zwift )
  • baileyjb
    baileyjb Posts: 41
    Can I ask if you solved your issue? The reason for asking is I have the same issue.