Di2 routed handlebars

edited January 2018 in Road buying advice
Deda Superzero Di2 alloy handlebar or Pro Vibe Di2 alloy handlebar. Has anyone got any comments, thx.


  • I would be very wary of the Pro Vibe alloys.

    As per a thread on WW, the alloy Vibes do not have drillings above the hoods for cables (unlike their carbon counterparts), so you won't get straightforward internal Di2 routing options unless you drill the holes yourself. It's completely backward!

    There's a drilled hole in the centre rear of the bar I assume for internal routing to the Vibe Di2 stem, but how the hell do they expect you to get the wires there if there's no holes above the shifter ports?! There's then some weird slots at the bar end underneath for fuxsake what...

    I think someone's been drinking too much sake