Bryton GPS and their website-help required please!

kbmack Posts: 73
edited January 2018 in Road buying advice

I am considering purchasing one of the new GPS units from Bryton but before I do can anyone shed any light on the following?

1. I used to own a Rider 50 from 2012-15. I uploaded my activities on Brytonsport website. I then changed GPS and used a different site.

2. I have tried to retrieve my data from Brytonsport but can't-it's now Brytonactive, I think.

3. Does this mean the data's destroyed or is there a way of getting it back?

4. I have contacted Bryton-no reply yet. This will influence my purchasing decision.

Many thanks and regards



  • redvision
    redvision Posts: 2,958
    The bryton site wasn't particular good and I would be surprised if your data is still there/ available.

    I would start afresh with another app. Training peaks or otherwise.