Campagnolo Bora 0ne 35 compared to Zonda

rdv57 Posts: 2
edited November 2017 in Road buying advice
Have three frames and two sets of Zonda wheels: 10+ years old (9s), and circa 2015 (11s). Both have been totally reliable.

Considering Bora One 35 clinchers for the newer carbon frame. Does anyone have experience with both the Zondas (15 mm width) and Bora One 35s? Any perceived differences regarding durability, comfort, climbing performance (higher priority) and aero performance (lower priority)?

For reference, I weigh ~80 kg/175 lbs, ride in hilly territory with varied climbs (5 miles at ~5%, 2 miles at ~8%, quarter mile at ~13% are common), take downhills cautiously, amble along at 15-17 mph on flats and do 25 mph pulls only on occasion.
