Glasgow level 2 drop in?

monkeyfcuker Posts: 486
edited November 2017 in Track
What this about then, I’ve been meaning to ask a coach but keep forgetting. See it on the booking page and always wonder?


  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Glasgow is not my local velodrome, but I assume it is pretty much what it says. It sounds like a drop-in session (ie, just turn up - no need to book in) for riders with level 2 (and presumably higher) accreditation. Drop-in sessions are normally coach-led, so there will be probably be some structure to it..
  • So for those that are only half way through the accreditation process, ie at step 2 of the 4? I’d actually assumed it was a level above standard accreditation. It’s perhaps because I’m looking on my phone and it doesn’t allow me to view desktop but details about sessions are pretty scarce.
  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    I'm only assuming, based on the description you've given. Looking at the website, the accreditation process seems overly-complex to me though. At other venues, you are either accredited (which incorporates everything up to/including level 4), or you aren't.