Buying advice - need help deciding

norgaard Posts: 4
edited November 2017 in Road buying advice

I am looking to start commuting to work by bike; my commute is about 7 miles each way over mostly decent roads with one little cut through towpath.

I am set on a hybrid bike so far just for comfort and the flexibility, however one which takes more from road bikes than mountain bikes. Apologies if this is in the wrong forum as I was unsure where it would fit!

So far I’ve narrowed my search to the following three bikes as my budget is £550 max. Would greatly appreciate which ones you think is the better bike/better specifications. Or indeed any recommendations beyond these three as I am completely new to this so only have a vague idea what I should be looking for. I’m only quite small at 5”5 so when looking in store I’m limited to mostly 16” or 17” frames as the 18” ones I tried were a little too big for comfort.

Raleigh Strada Speed 1 (currently my first choice) as it seems the one which is more road orientated, im just slightly concerned whether it will be able to consistently handle going slightly off-road on a compressed dirt/gravel towpath.

Raleigh Strada 4

Boardman Hybrid Comp ... -comp.html

Thanks guys!
