KS LEV - quality, scratches etc.

razorjack Posts: 98
edited November 2017 in MTB workshop & tech
after a little more than one year of use (black cartridge) and cleaning dropper inside every few months, it looks like this:
is it normal? do you have the same problem?
all these marks are made by fancy 'roller bearing'

or maybe new KS droppers are better now ?


  • Mines just over a year old done the same and they said it was my fault for not cleaning it, but it happened two weeks after it being sent back to them for the 2nd time in 4 months under warranty but given up and dang be bothered arguing. Not buying a ks again
  • i had some scratches in a first year, they've replaced stanchion/cartridge under warranty.

    but i think just my specimen is faulty (bad tolerances etc. ?)