Insurance Bike - help spending wisely

Peaky boo
Peaky boo Posts: 13
edited August 2017 in Road buying advice
Until last week I had a Trek 720, which describes itself as an "agrresive" racy tourer. Then it got nicked. Despite being scrupulously honest, I have received vouchers for a new bike to a higher value, so can afford to spend over £2k if I really wanted.
However, whilst the Trek good for cycling on my own, it was in all honesty probably too racy for me, and most of my riding is with my family at a sedate pace and not all on Tarmac. So I would like something much more casual and comfy, and less highly strung. I only have space for one bike, so am erring towards a flat bar bike.
Would something like a Specialized Cirrus or a Cannondale Quick fit the bill as fast enough to be fun, rugged enough to ride to the park and comfy enough not to need padded shorts etc? Any other ideas?
