Brooks Saddle - new user - keep it or return it?

RuthinRoadWarrior Posts: 25
edited July 2017 in Road buying advice

Just got my first Brooks saddle, a Swallow Titanium.

Looks very nice, and I applied the Proofide to it this evening.

Then I noticed how the frame is out of alignment with the top.



In the first image, looking down, the frame is too far left.

I have tried adjusting the tension nut, but to no avail.

Is this "normal" for new Brooks saddles?
Should I ride it and hope it corrects itself with my weight, or return it?


  • W631
    W631 Posts: 7
    Normal for a leather Brooks.The rails are formed on ancient machinery.Rivetting is rubbish as well!
  • froze
    froze Posts: 213
    Keep it, they're hand made, things can't be aligned exactly all the time. Brooks saddles are very comfortable when broken in but follow the manufacturer's instructions and don't try anything different because such and such a person said it was good to use, especially during the warranty period. I have a B17 and a Swift, both with TI rails, the B17 has about 30,000 miles on it and the Swift about 10,000. The only things I do differently is that I don't use Proofide as much as they suggest instead I use neutral colored Kiwi paste wax it seems to hold up better than Proofide. I also don't turn the spanner bolt as much, I turn it about an 1/8 of a turn about once a year if it needs it; I weigh 170 lbs a heavier person may have to turn it more.

    I haven't had any issues with their riveting or rails.