Good quality grips?

Chiltern Posts: 4
edited July 2017 in Commuting general
Well I've done some proper testing on my Raleigh Chiltern now, made a few tweaks and got it to a useable standard.

One thing im really struggling with is that it still has original plastic handlebar grips which make my hands numb within about 15 minutes.

I want to put some good quality, comfortable grips on it but don't have the foggiest what's good and what isn't.

Any advice hugely welcome.



  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,816
    Good quality foam grips such as Avenir, Titec, KCNC or Ritchey, they are nicely shaped, vibration absorbing and last well. Also nice and light and not to expensive.

    My Avenirs have been on my commuter for about 7000 miles now and I use Ritchey on my MTB.
    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.