Eroica Gaiole medical certficate

gdcfc1 Posts: 127
edited July 2017 in Vintage bikes forum
Anyone any experience of submitting Medical Certificate for Eroica Gaiole? How long do they take to recognize it and record you as fully successful? What a system! Uploaded on web site only to have pop up then say had to email copy in. So now waiting and hoping all well.
looking into the +1


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  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337
    I know, it is crazy... it is an Italian law introduced a couple of years ago... basically they treat any bicycle ride as it if was a race, so you need a full medical with ECG, not just a doctor's signature.

    My feeling is that they will be more linient with foreign applications and you can most likely get away with a basic medical. There is a form to download and your doctor needs to sign/stamp it or whatever.

    If you find it problematic to get doctor's approval, I would say that you can probably submit a fake and not suffer any consequence, other than the event insurance not covering you in case of major accident.

    I think that once you submit it, it will be automatically accepted, I very much doubt they go through the paperwork
    left the forum March 2023
  • gdcfc1
    gdcfc1 Posts: 127
    Thanks Ugo. Good news, my status moved from red to green overnight. My certificate (it is real) accepted. I am fully accepted for the ride.
    looking into the +1
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337
    Enjoy... it's probably the best bike ride I have ever done. The full 205 km route is very hard... it's as hard as the Fred Whitton or the Marmotte, to give you an idea
    left the forum March 2023
  • WRM!
    WRM! Posts: 11
    is this like your numberplate for the car only for bikes? Why would you need a medical certificate to ride a bike?
  • ugo.santalucia
    ugo.santalucia Posts: 28,337
    WRM! wrote:
    is this like your numberplate for the car only for bikes? Why would you need a medical certificate to ride a bike?
    Not to ride a bike but to take part in an event. Anyway, it is the law
    left the forum March 2023
  • RodWatts
    RodWatts Posts: 16
    I've just submitted mine and waiting to see what happens...
    I took the form to my local medical centre expecting an appointment date for an ecg and various tests. Got a call a few days later to go and collect the form as the doctor has already signed and stamped it to say that I'm fit for cardiovascular activities, etc.
    Haven't seen a doctor for years except to renew my wintertime 'happy pills' .....
    It would have been nice to have had an ecg and various checks anyway as at 68 it's handy to know!
  • meanredspider
    meanredspider Posts: 12,337
    When I did AD6 there was a massive on-line questionnaire and I was meant to get an ECG and a letter from my doctor. Then I got a message to say that the system had fallen over and they weren't going to bother...
    ROAD < Scott Foil HMX Di2, Volagi Liscio Di2, Jamis Renegade Elite Di2, Cube Reaction Race > ROUGH
  • davidof
    davidof Posts: 3,143
    You can show your certificate when you turn up to collect your entry at Gaiole, no need to faff uploading it.

    Basically anything will do, pretty much. It is box ticking for the event to make sure they are covered if you keel over.

    My doctor said it is all nonsense as she can give you a full medical, ECG the works and you can drop down dead of a heart attack the next day --- especially if you are a bloke over 50, she added with a smile.

    If you've not done the event before he is my video from last year:

    If you are missing something: toe clips, clothes etc. Don't try and find it on line or on ebay. The market the day before has everything and often at better prices than you can find. For example I spent 6 months on craigslist etc looking for period cycling shoes (rats had eaten my own pair of Sidi shoes from the 70s) but I needn't have bothered as they had everything at the Eroica market.
    BASI Nordic Ski Instructor
  • gdcfc1
    gdcfc1 Posts: 127
    It will be bike stuff buying heaven then.
    looking into the +1


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