What is this Road bike I got? Again....

itaa Posts: 61
edited June 2017 in Road buying advice
Well I got another road bike I have no idea about, at least this one is a real road bike :lol:
It's a bit beat up from the pics ( well not masivly but not pristine- but I'm up for a challenge to rebuild it and freshen it up) $48 in auction and I'm picking it up tomorrow.

It's some - PRIMO brand, Have never heard of such bike brand nor can find anything about it so it was a gamble, it wasn't described really good however and I doubt the owner knew anything about it ... I saw 105 markings on derailleurs and near the pedals ,possibly Ultegra marking on front brake lever ( its not good picture but you can see theres a word that ends with- RA on it, what else can end in -ra? ) oh and it has Carbon fork I think from the ''ITM millennium Carbon'' marking? Also it has a shimano 600 marking on front stem.

I know nothing about bikes, but from my few days general research I know thats the stuff you should get.

Anyone maybe knows what is this Primo brand and is it any good? And from what year do you think this bike would be? The seller told he thinks its from 1990 but I doubt that it's that old,maybe 2000? Also if it's as well speced as it seems from those markings would the stuff on it would still be good today after giving it a bit of tune-up? I know the technology moves so fast so just wondering how good it still would be today?
This would be my first road bike and I just wanted something to try out all the ''road bike'' thing and see what's it about.










  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    That looks like a crack in the head tube. Skip material.
  • itaa
    itaa Posts: 61
    Webboo wrote:
    That looks like a crack in the head tube. Skip material.
    I was kinda worrying about that myself, but hoped it would be just paint that's peeling off.
    Can you definitely tell that it's a crack?
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    No but that level of corrosion would stop me buying it any way. Also you mention it could be from the 1990's so potentially 27 years old which is old for an Aluminium frame.
  • itaa
    itaa Posts: 61
    just spent good 2hours on Youtube watching videos on how to inspect 2nd hand bikes,
    all in all made a full A4 sheet Checklist with about 30points I should check, I'm not sure if the seller of the $48 bike will be too pleased when I pull out my paper and go through all the points :D But still.. I don't want to waste my time buying something that might be a dud whatever price it costs.

    Went through that list on my cheap MTB which I know very well in about 20minutes and discovered that I have a bit loose bottom bracket and my chain isn't the freshest anymore as well.
    So I'm well armed and a bit smarter now to go and inspect that bike tomorrow :)

    If anyone got any info about the PRIMO brand or on the bike it would be really appreciated.
  • lakesluddite
    lakesluddite Posts: 1,337
    " I saw 105 markings on derailleurs and near the pedals ,possibly Ultegra marking on front brake lever ( its not good picture but you can see theres a word that ends with- RA on it, what else can end in -ra? )"


    Sounds like you've already bought it, so all a bit academic really. Looking at that headtube I'd not be considering riding it! If the components are okay, you could probably swap them onto a newer, more structurally sound frame - or sell them for the amount you paid.
  • OfficerDigby
    OfficerDigby Posts: 110
    edited June 2017
    .. Well I got another road bike..
    I know nothing about bikes...but from my few days general research...
    ...just spent good 2hours on Youtube watching videos on how to inspect 2nd hand bikes.
    ....I don't want to waste my time...


    All the best. Hopefully, its not dangerous to ride
  • pirnie
    pirnie Posts: 242

    Or Sora...
  • davesnothere
    davesnothere Posts: 620
    pirnie wrote:

    Or Sora...

  • OfficerDigby
    OfficerDigby Posts: 110
    90's assorted 105 probably at least as good as today's claris, when new?
  • itaa
    itaa Posts: 61
    off to search for another bike :D Went to see that bike, and.... It was a bit of a junk :(
    wheels would soon need to be changed, tyres were old and cracked up, the gears weren't really shifting perfectly, I did the chain test and it was seriously loose as well.
    The seller seemed unresponsive and didn't really allowed me to sand that stuff up to see if there are any cracks in frame..

    I guess I have to thank all for the advice and new things I learned,probably would have bought an old junk which would still be an old bike after you change so many parts on it.. not worth it indeed....
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    If you are only spending around $48 you are going to get junk.
  • itaa
    itaa Posts: 61
    nah my budget was higher, just I managed to get it in auction for that...
    Seems like will just wait for something max few years old and mint to come up.
  • AK_jnr
    AK_jnr Posts: 717
    So you won it at an auction then decided it was too sh1t to pay for? Lol bet the bloke was happy...
  • itaa
    itaa Posts: 61
    Ow she was VERY happy :D
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    What is your budget.