Suitable for light touring?

NotSoBigDave Posts: 3
edited April 2017 in Tour & expedition
Hello everyone, I am considering an Outer Hebridean cycle tour next year over 4 to 5 days and plan to travel light (no tent as will use B&B) and eat in pubs/carry local bought food etc. The two questions I have is what would you suggest I use to carry the necessary clothes etc, panniers vs seat pack or frame bag and is my Giant Defy 3 from 2010 be suitable in terms of weight chatting capacity I weigh around 85kg.

All advice welcome.


  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    You won't be needing much ? I think just about any bike could cope if you only need clothes to carry.

    I'd look at this or a frame bag - Altura Arran Expanding Post Pack
  • redjeepǃ
    redjeepǃ Posts: 531
    Looks good to me. I did London 2 Paris last year on something similar (I rented it). I used a rear rack and a couple of 18 litre panniers partially filled.

    Just check that it has rack mounts.
  • Thanks for the responses - really helpful. The update is that my other half has decided she wants to come too so my brother and I get to cycle and the fairer ones drive the support vehicle (carry the food and clothes) so happy days! It also means I can take the carbon machine which should make it much more fun :D
  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    I have gone for ten day tours using a handlebar bag and a Carradice saddle bag. I was staying in B&Bs and buying groceries along the way. With the vpbar and saddlebag I had everything I needed.
  • Nick Payne
    Nick Payne Posts: 288
    edited April 2017
    Ditto on the Carradice saddlebag suggestion. Here's my wife's bike kitted out for a four week tour across Switzerland and France, staying in hotels and B&Bs. The saddlebag is a Carradice Lowsaddle Longflap on an SQR mount; the handlebar bag is an Ortlieb Ultimate 6 Compact:
  • plodder73
    plodder73 Posts: 326
    I'm planning to do the Outer Hebrides this year subject to weather, I'm going fully laden as B and Bs are few and far between, and those that are there are hideously expensive.