Campag Bora One axle/freehub stiffness

tonyf34 Posts: 194
edited February 2017 in Road buying advice
So I bought a new pair of Bora One's from Wiggle's outlet store and whilst the front is as smooth as expected, the rear is exceptionally stiff by comparison, plus the freehub brings the wheel to a halt in very quick order so would be a heck of a lot of drag when freewheeling.
A strong spin in hand the wheel feels like it wants to pull the axle ends around with it and stops in well under 30 seconds, with thumb on the freehub (replicating freewheeling) it's less than 15 seconds before the wheel comes to a halt. :shock:

This is hugely less than pretty much any wheel I've had never mind comparing it to other higher end hubs/wheels that I've owned/currently use such as Dura Ace, FRM and Mavic, the Campag checklist is ticked off for 'axle smoothness' though there feels to be a hint of bittiness that I can detect whilst it's rotating (when not holding down the freehub body) and whilst just a small turn of the axle end in the fingers does feel smooth it's still stiff and in hand there is a definite hint of something not right.

So I spoke to Wiggle, they said take it into a local shop and my LBS reckoned it was fine but I can't see how given what I can feel and how it compares so differently not just with other higher end hubs but also the smoothness of the front.
I know these aren't the CULT ceramic bearings but still, it shouldn't be that stiff even from new.

Does anyone have experience of these wheels/hubs or at least give an opinion as to whether I'm expecting too much or that it doesn't seem right as I think.


  • mercia_man
    mercia_man Posts: 1,431
    Rear wheels are often a little bit stiff until they've been used and the grease in hubs and freehubs eases up. You normally see this when you strip, clean and regrease cup and cone hubs.

    Have you tried adjusting the hub? It's very easy on Campag cup and cone systems with an adjusting ring which clamps onto the axle on non-drive side. You just undo it by the little Allen screw, turn the ring anti-clockwise by a fraction and do the Allen screw up tight again. I find it helps to give the axle a gentle tap with a rubber mallet or similar when the ring is loosened, just to free everything up. The ideal is to have just a tiny bit of play which vanishes when you do up the quick release.

    Sorry if you have already done this adjustment but I have found the bearings needed loosening up slightly on one Campag wheel set I had. I also had the same issue in a new pair of Shimano pedals. Just a case of being set a little too tight in factory.
  • tonyf34
    tonyf34 Posts: 194
    I haven't adjusted them myself as yet as I was hoping the bike shop would say yup, these aren't quite right and sort them and Wiggle were going to cough up whatever the cost. I realise that new wheels/bearings can be not so free and easy as a run in pair as it were but this is beyond that based on personal experience of a lot of wheels over 27 years of serious riding.
    It's just seems odd that the pre-load would be set up so vastly different comparative to the front especially since they are checked by hand before leaving the factory.
    I'll make a small adjustment later and I'm not going to be using them for a while yet as I need to order a tub anyway as I'm getting shot of my current cf wheelset with tyres in situ.
  • sebbyp
    sebbyp Posts: 106
    Doesn't sound quite right! sure mine were really nice. i think I even had to tighen the rear bearing after 400miles or so. slacken it off a tiny bit and see if it helps.
  • SoSimple
    SoSimple Posts: 301
    I've got the 50mm Bora Ones and haven't noticed that with mine. The above advice is pretty sound and I'd definitely put a few miles in to see if they loosen naturally in additional to a slight tweak.

    Once they are spinning freely, you'll find they are a brilliant wheelset