Mech hanger alignment & frame

markhewitt1978 Posts: 7,614
edited February 2017 in Workshop
So I have an alloy PlanetX RT-58 which I use exclusively on my turbo trainer.

I've been changing the gearing so I can get a bigger range and hit a problem where the bottom of the mech was hitting the trainer. I was advised this was due to a bent mech hanger. So I bought a hanger alignment tool and checked it this morning and sure enough it was out. So I did a few gentle presses - as described in the videos - and got it back in alignment again.

However now I can't get the bike to sit in the trainer again (it's a wheel off trainer so it mounts directly to it) where it would previously just slot in when I put the drive side in the other side won't go in at all, sits about 5mm above the skewer.

What did I do wrong? What have I broken? How can it be fixed - or more likely how would the LBS fix it?


  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    Have you been 'bending ' the frame, chain stays and not the hanger ?
    A new hanger is a few quid so I'd always go for that,
    Are you going to bend it back again?