Premature wear on bib tights

chw3469 Posts: 4
edited January 2017 in Road buying advice
Please help. I am experiencing excessive wear and tear on the seat pad of each of my bib tights. 4 rides results in a hole! There appears to be no obvious friction zone on the saddle and I have actually switched saddles from a Fizik Antares to a San Marco Concor and the problem persists. I have ridden an Antares for years following a professional bike fit in 2014. I have lost some weight recently but cannot believe this would have a profound effect on seat position or saddle height. Apart from 'time for a new bike fitting' does anyone have some cheaper advice they could offer?


  • super_davo
    super_davo Posts: 1,251
    What are the bib tights? Where are the holes developing?
    I've had wear on tights when using a Charge Spoon, which was due to the stitching. Both saddles you mention have none on the top, though it is possible there might be some rough edges on the underside where the leather fixes to the base, that would have a similar effect. If you rule out that, the only other thing I can think of would be excessive friction. Try applying furniture polish (Mr Sheen) to the edges of the saddle, but be careful not to get it on the top so you don't slide around too much.
  • Castelli and Rapha. The wear is on the pad, one spot is 55mm from the centre seam the other is 45mm (clearly some symmetry issues there) but to rub the under edge of the saddle suggests my 'posterior' is wrapping round the saddle to some extent. I cannot see raising/lowering the seat being helpful; a wider saddle perhaps? I will give the polish idea a try. I cannot afford to kill bib tights at this rate!
  • super_davo
    super_davo Posts: 1,251
    Centre of the pad? Inner thigh? I would carefully look at where you sit in relation to the wear. If you were getting wear to the inner thigh then a wider saddle might actually make things worse. If you're getting wear anywhere other than where you touch the edges of the saddle then the cause is likely to be friction, so the polish trick will be your best hope. If you're getting wear to the back then you might be hanging off the edge of the saddle so possibly try inching it back on the rails.

    In terms of the tights, I have Castelli Sorpasso and Sportful R&D tights I use for best and workhorse tights I use for commuting from DHB (model is Vaeon, which I believe now maps to Aeron). The lycra isn't as soft or stretchy on the DHBs but it is definitely hardier, so might be worth a look next time you buy another set.
  • northpole
    northpole Posts: 1,499
    I use Castelli Sorpasso bib longs and have found them to be quite resistant to wear. The only time I have had a problem with lycra wear occurred when, unbeknown to me, the velcro on a saddle bag strap was slightly exposed and rubbed against the lycra. For your problem to occur in 3 or 4 rides, it would imply a similar very aggressive rub problem. It doesn't sound feasible in the place you describe but may be worth double checking there are no velcro 'hot spots' with potential to inflict damage. Other than that, if your bibs are the correct size (and aren't rubbing your skin excessively ie chaffing), then I'm at a loss to understand what's causing this. If you really can't figure it out, before buying new ones, I'd be inclined to go to your local decent bike shop and ask them to review your riding position on a turbo or rollers if they are able to offer that service (rather than go for a full bike fit) to try and spot any really obvious problem with your seating position. Good luck!

  • ryan_w-2
    ryan_w-2 Posts: 1,162
    I'm in talks with Rapha at the minute about two items of kit.

    Pro Team Winter bib tights, already returned one pair after 2 weeks of use due to stitching breaking on right leg. Now the replacement pair have already started to fall apart after 4 rides and one cold wash! The material on the back has peeled away from the mesh. Not what you'd expect from a £200 pair of tights.

    Other item in question is the Pro Team softshell jacket. Already bobbling on the right shoulder where my (Rapha) rucksack goes.

    Will keep you updated.
    Specialized Allez Sprint Disc --- Specialized S-Works SL7

    IG: RhinosWorkshop
  • Thanks for the reply. There are no straps to rub and I have no soreness at all. I have a turbo so can check position that way maybe? I have no knee pain or other concerns. May try moving saddle by increments.
  • Ryan_W wrote:

    Will keep you updated.

    Can't wait.
    I'm sorry you don't believe in miracles
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Weird. Anything different on the bike? Any pics of the saddle / seatpost area?
  • sebbyp
    sebbyp Posts: 106
    Must be the side of the saddle nose brushing the bib shorts on every up stroke?