FSA 386 compact old style

noslonigel Posts: 2
edited January 2017 in Workshop
I have just bought a second hand Planet X with one of these chainsets, that I want to replace with a Shimano. Now I know these had a habit of losing the left crank, but I am having a problem getting mine off. There is no self extraction bolt in the crank, but I assume there should be one. If I bought a self extracting bolt is it just a simple job of attaching it screwing in the outer ring and then undoing the bolt leaving the outer ring in situ to remove the crank.??? Is there anything I should be aware off such as did the size of the bolts vary??

Thanks for your help


  • StillGoing
    StillGoing Posts: 5,211
    It was the old version FSA Gossamer. I believe the 386BB versions are the newer versions and are perfectly safe.

    Removal should be by simply undoing the cap bolt with either an 8mm or 10mm allen key depending on which model you have. Once the cap bolt is removed, the LH arm should just pull off.
    I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.