Tacx Vortex Smart and Trainer 4 Software

bianchibob Posts: 306
edited January 2017 in Road buying advice
My wife bought me a Tracx Vortex Smart trainer as a surprise Christmas present.

As we live in the country side she is not keen on me riding at night on unlit country roads.

I have set a 'spare' bike up on the trainer in a spare room and purchased an Ant aerial and lead as I wish to link the trainer to the Tacx Trainer 4 Advanced software.

I have enquired with several suppliers and this software seems to be out of stock until the end of January and I have also read that it seems to be a little unreliable.

I am keen to be able to ride routes on my laptop as opposed to just riding to graphs and charts.

Is the Tacx software worth waiting for, what are others experience or should I be looking at alternatives.

The appeal to me of the Tacx product is that it is a one off payment and not a subscription as Swift etc.

Any comments would be appreciated.