Intermittent Problems With Garmin HR Soft Strap



  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 1,961
    bobmcstuff wrote:
    I had the same issues, thought it was the head unit (810) but am getting the same issue on TrainerRoad Android (using my phone as a head unit). Thought changing the battery would fix it but it's still dropping out.

    Just ordered a new HRM... That one's lasted bang on 2 years which doesn't seem too awful.

    I probably should have got a Tickr or something instead.

    This was my first thoughts as well, but as the weeks went on my power meter was also dropping out sometimes at the same time as the HR sensor and sometimes they were independent of each other, and the power meter is new and the app I have for it says the battery is almost full. Then when the head unit started switching itself off and refusing to turn back on I gave Garmin a ring and sent them some files showing when this happened and they are replacing with a recon one or reconditioning my unit, either way it will be working again.
    Obsessed is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated!
  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 1,961
    Spoke to soon, replacement received with more issues than the one I sent them!

    This one wont connect to satellites, wont pair to my HR sensor or Power Meter, keeps turning itself off and the screen keeps freezing, oh and the battery charge is dropping rapidly, over 10% in 20 mins!

    Lets hope the next replacement works properly!
    Obsessed is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated!
  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 1,961
    New Garmin 520 delivered after many issues with Garmin and waiting over a month to finally get things sorted which I am very happy about, however my HR strap is actually knackered so I ordered a Polar one from Wiggle which was delivered today, I snapped the Garmin pod onto the strap and as soon as I stretch the material the pod pops off on one side, from reading the responses in this thread, it seems its the rubber surrounds to the snap on connectors on the Polar strap that is fouling a more positive connection.

    I see that some have suggested trimming down the rubber with a craft knife, but before I do can anyone confirm this actually works? I dont want to trim the rubber down and not be able to send the strap back if it doesnt work?

    Obsessed is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated!
  • Man Of Lard
    Man Of Lard Posts: 903
    I've never needed to do the trimming on a Polar strap (I have & use three currently in rotation)... Which actual model of Garmin HRM do you have (I have an HRM3SS & HRM-RUN... Maybe it's the HRM2 that has this issue?)
  • Ive been using the Polar strap without any problems for several years. Whenever I have any problems, it's always traced to the battery in the sensor unit - swap in a new battery, everything works fine again.
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  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 1,961
    I've never needed to do the trimming on a Polar strap (I have & use three currently in rotation)... Which actual model of Garmin HRM do you have (I have an HRM3SS & HRM-RUN... Maybe it's the HRM2 that has this issue?)

    It’s the HRM3-SS sensor and the strap is the Polar Soft Strap, it’s a bit strange as it seems to connect but as soon as I stretch the strap one side pops off?
    Ive been using the Polar strap without any problems for several years. Whenever I have any problems, it's always traced to the battery in the sensor unit - swap in a new battery, everything works fine again.

    The battery was replaced a 2 months ago, was the first thing to be replaced as I wanted to use a process of elimination and it was the cheapest thing to replace to start with.
    Obsessed is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated!
  • mamba80
    mamba80 Posts: 5,032
    i have always had to trim the Polar soft strap to get the Garmin HR sensor to fit and it does work a treat, about 1mm is enough.
  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 1,961
    mamba80 wrote:
    i have always had to trim the Polar soft strap to get the Garmin HR sensor to fit and it does work a treat, about 1mm is enough.

    It does protrude a bit too much and looks as it it is fouling a positive connection, so to check this I connect one side to my Garmin strap and one to the Polar strap and there is a much more positive snap into place on the Garmin one.
    Obsessed is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated!
  • bigmitch41
    bigmitch41 Posts: 685
    mamba80 wrote:
    i have always had to trim the Polar soft strap to get the Garmin HR sensor to fit and it does work a treat, about 1mm is enough.

    Yes I also had to trim the surround with a Stanley blade, works a treat once you've done the mod :)
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  • curto80
    curto80 Posts: 314
    Yes it works - trim away
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  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 1,961
    Trimmed the rubber surround and it works perfectly!

    Thanks chaps (and chappettes)
    Obsessed is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated!
  • on-yer-bike
    on-yer-bike Posts: 2,974
    I have a Wahoo Tickr and it does the same as the OPs Garmin. Sorts itself out after about 30 mins into the ride after Ive moved it about and bashed it in anger.
  • JesseD
    JesseD Posts: 1,961
    on-yer-bike - the polar one I have seems fine to be honest, my 520 picks it up no problems and it transmits fine, if you have a Garmin sensor unit already, try the Polar Strap out, they are cheap as well which is a bonus.
    Obsessed is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated!