Calling English based cyclists!

merel Posts: 7
edited January 2017 in Amateur race
Hello cyclists!

My name is Merel, a Dutch/Italian student. At the moment I'm writing a thesis on how a French mountain hotel can reach English based cyclists online (This because the French Alps are popular among English people). In order to do this, I need to gain insight into the English cycling persona (demographical and online behavioural information).

Because of the fact that I'm living in Italy, I'm trying to find ways on approaching cyclists who would be open in participating in my short survey! I really hope one of you, or maybe your cycling friends can help me out! The answers will of course be anonymously and it won't take you longer than 6 minutes!

Here is the link: ... ng-persona (link is external)

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me on

Thank you in advance


  • By joining
    By advertising on cycling specific sites and magazines?
    By striking deals with British cycling tour operators?
    Or in simple words, by being entrepreneurial... I don't think personas will add much... cyclists are people, they want low price, good quality and good and abundant food like anybody else

    Is research into that worth of a thesis?
    left the forum March 2023
  • It won't fill a thesis but here is the correct answer.

    Run 12 different creative online with no targeting what so ever. Let the machine work it's magic to optimise your campaign. Remember to optimise on something useful like data capture or even bookings (not clicks). Last bit advice is never end the campaign or you lose all the data, just leave it ticking over with a few quid in it.

    Hopefully you are a hotelier looking for cheap leads rather than a student.
  • haydenm
    haydenm Posts: 2,997
    I can't fill in your survey because I'm based in Scotland, sorry.
  • I smell a hotelier looking for ideas, rather than student writing thesis.. If my assumption is correct, given that I like opportunism, I'll ask: What's your hotel called? You may gain a customer in me yet.