Slightly bust rear wheel

hopkinb Posts: 7,129
edited November 2016 in Commuting chat
There's what looks like a small split in the rim of my rear wheel - down by one of the spoke nipples. The wheel is wobbling a bit, but seems to still be rideable - at least for a little while.

Do I replace the rear wheel, or find a cheap rim and pay someone to rebuild the wheel using my hub and spokes?

Any recommendations for cheap & strong rear wheels? Or a cheap & strong rim which I can give to my LBS to rebuild a wheel with? Disc brakes by the way.


  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    Kind of depends on your aversion to risk,

    I have a small split on the rim of my fixie. I've been riding it for ages but nothing dramatically fast or far and I do check it every ride to see if its getting worse and it hasn't. Wheel isnt buckled though.

    The sensible answer is to replace the rim or the whole wheel - depends on the hub and age though.
  • hopkinb
    hopkinb Posts: 7,129
    I'm resigned to having to spend money. The hub is a year old, a stock selcof(?) one from Planet X. I was mainly wondering if it's better to buy a Mavic Aksium disc rear wheel for about £70, or try and find a rim for about £30 and have the wheel re-built. I'd be a bit worried about only having 24 spokes, being about 85-87kg, depending on what I have eaten, and having managed to trash a wheel with 32 spokes in less than a year...

    Or do I bite the bullet and just get a wheelset like the pro-lite revo a21 for about £300. Or there are a couple of disc wheelsets on superstar components in the £200 to £300 ballpark.
  • Bigger problem with the Aksium Disc wheel in my (limited) experience is that the freehub appears to be made from Brie or Camembert - at least it lasted as if it was made of cheese...
  • hopkinb
    hopkinb Posts: 7,129
    Bigger problem with the Aksium Disc wheel in my (limited) experience is that the freehub appears to be made from Brie or Camembert - at least it lasted as if it was made of cheese...

    This is all valuable information.

    I could do without the expense, but buying cheap seems to be mean buying more often.
  • I had been ignoring a heavily worn front rim on the Roadrat pre disc set up which resulted in a huge bang with tyre and rim blow out (very impressive but I can't find a photo) at thankfully low speed one wet sh!t evening. As tight as I am, i'd not chance it and find a new rim/wheel pronto.
    If I know you, and I like you, you can borrow my bike box for £30 a week. PM for details.
  • hopkinb
    hopkinb Posts: 7,129
    Bit the bullet and got some pro lite revos on the basis of a strong review from bendertherobot and the fact that wiggle gave me 6 months interest-free tick and will deliver quickly. They're a bit garish, but I quite like the look of them.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,950
    hopkinb wrote:
    Bit the bullet and got some pro lite revos
    Good, I would have suggested something aong those lines. Also eliminates questions over the back wheel and the creak.
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